Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Environmental Assessment Of Environmental And Preparedness...
Environmental and Preparedness Assessment It is valuable for individuals to understand the environmental factors impacting health and well-being in the communities where they live. Additionally, it is essential to become prepared for potential disaster. I live in Maytown, which is a small community of East Donegal Township in the northwest corner of Lancaster County. The town’s proximity to the Susquehanna River played an integral role in the early history of this community. This is the community being assessed for this paper. Air and Water Quality According to the EPA (n.d.), the air quality index for the Maytown area is currently listed as â€Å"Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups†AQI is 101-150, which is not likely to affect the general population. However, for a small number of individuals with sensitivities to air pollutions there may be a moderate health concern for experiencing respiratory symptoms. Corresponding 2008 CDC data lists the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Lancaster County at 15.0 ( µg/m3), which is significantly high. The concern is for long-term damage to respiratory and cardiovascular systems and even cancer and birth defects from the exposure. Lancaster County is higher than the US median of 10.7 ( µg/m3), (CHSI, 2008). Drinking water in East Donegal Township is tested regularly for contaminants. As per the 2014 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, the water supplied to homes is safe for drinking and cooking (East Donegal Township,Show MoreRelatedRegulatory Issu es Impacting Development of an Emergency Preparedness and Management Plan1573 Words  | 7 PagesThe development of an Emergency Preparedness and Management Plan is complex. There is not a single format to base the plan. Each plan is dissimilar according to the facility that the plan was developed. Each facility is composed of different structural components, machinery, chemicals, and equipment. 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