Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Environmental Assessment Of Environmental And Preparedness...
Environmental and Preparedness Assessment It is valuable for individuals to understand the environmental factors impacting health and well-being in the communities where they live. Additionally, it is essential to become prepared for potential disaster. I live in Maytown, which is a small community of East Donegal Township in the northwest corner of Lancaster County. The town’s proximity to the Susquehanna River played an integral role in the early history of this community. This is the community being assessed for this paper. Air and Water Quality According to the EPA (n.d.), the air quality index for the Maytown area is currently listed as â€Å"Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups†AQI is 101-150, which is not likely to affect the general population. However, for a small number of individuals with sensitivities to air pollutions there may be a moderate health concern for experiencing respiratory symptoms. Corresponding 2008 CDC data lists the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Lancaster County at 15.0 ( µg/m3), which is significantly high. The concern is for long-term damage to respiratory and cardiovascular systems and even cancer and birth defects from the exposure. Lancaster County is higher than the US median of 10.7 ( µg/m3), (CHSI, 2008). Drinking water in East Donegal Township is tested regularly for contaminants. As per the 2014 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, the water supplied to homes is safe for drinking and cooking (East Donegal Township,Show MoreRelatedRegulatory Issu es Impacting Development of an Emergency Preparedness and Management Plan1573 Words  | 7 PagesThe development of an Emergency Preparedness and Management Plan is complex. There is not a single format to base the plan. Each plan is dissimilar according to the facility that the plan was developed. Each facility is composed of different structural components, machinery, chemicals, and equipment. These subtle differences can mean diverse regulations and standards that must be incorporated into the Emergency Preparedness and Management Plan. Compliance must be achieved when developing the planRead MoreCompetency, Training, And Awareness1149 Words  | 5 Pages COMPETENCY, TRAINING, and AWARENESS OBJECTIVE: To make sure that every THE COMPANYS NAME Manufacturing Operations worker can provide to the accomplishment of the Company. REQUIREMENTS: Systems are kept up for the recognizable proof, assessment, recording and satisfaction of preparing needs. Employees, including contract representatives whose work may make a crucial effect upon the environment get the most suitable training. The ability of the workers being considered for the positions of criticalRead MoreThe Role Of Recovery In The Environment725 Words  | 3 Pagescapability to adjust to changing conditions, while recovery is the capability needed to assist the affected community or people to recover from disaster. 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The age of most critical infrastructuresRead MoreObjectives Of National Preparedness Goals963 Words  | 4 Pageslocal, state, and federal agencies. This effort resulted in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with support from NIMS to develop the National Preparedness Goal. In a minimum of 200 words identify the five mission areas of the National Preparedness Goals and the mission of each goal. According the Gus Martin, 2015, The National Preparedness Goal, approved on September 11, seeks to achieve â€Å"a secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent,Read MoreDisaster Mitigation Of Flood Mitigation915 Words  | 4 Pagesflood damage in the city. The plan will involve preparedness/mitigation measures undertaken before the disaster, response activities, recovery and reconstruction efforts that are being undertaken after the disaster. We may consider which risk management agencies were involved and the actions they have undertaken so far. Damage assessment After mobilizing key personnel, we proceeded to inspect multiple facilities to assess flood damage, environmental impacts as well as recommend necessary actions (FEMARead MoreEmergency Operations Plan1441 Words  | 6 PagesBrown University of Phoenix Critical Incident Management CJA/560 Ian Moffett November 22, 2010 Emergency Operations Plan Emergency planning has changed very much since the 9/11 attacks. Law enforcement agencies focus more on prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. With planning and efforts made by law enforcement agencies, the law enforcement community can provide a comprehensive emergency management and security program (EMHSD/MSP, 2009). The first phase in producingRead MoreDrought As A Natural Phenomenon1098 Words  | 5 Pagesresources deficit. This is why droughts are also referred to as ‘non-events’. Droughts occur in both high and low rainfall areas and virtually all climate regimes. There are several unique characteristics, which differentiate droughts from other environmental hazards, namely its slow onset often characterized as a creeping phenomenon, its non-structural impacts, which can be regional or local lasting for a long time or a very short time, as well as the absence of a universal definition leading to inactionRead MoreEthics And Social Responsibility Of A Global Company1284 Words  | 6 Pagesemployees include, abiding to the law. With regards to the oil spill, the employees of the company are required to take the required measures that will ensure that the damages of the oil spills are minimized, this will enable the company to adhere to environmental laws as well as preve nt the occurrence of law suits and government fines. The employees of the company are also required to be responsible for their actions regardless of whether the actions are positive or negative. The employees in this caseRead MorePrevention Of A Disaster Emergency1729 Words  | 7 Pagesprotect against environmental hazards, prevent injuries, promote and encourage informed risk/ beneficial decision making, respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery, and assure the quality and accessibility of health services for the community. Being prepared to respond to disaster emergencies along with efforts mitigate the effects of disasters, and hasten recovery from a crisis is critical for protecting and securing the safety of our communities. All preparedness should begin with
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about The Injustice of Slavery A Peoples Resistance
The Injustice of Slavery: A people’s resistance nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The history of the United States is filled to the brim with an abundance of significant events. Over the course of this nation’s young history there have been numerous social institutions. Many have been a necessity in our development. However, the US was home to one of the greatest atrocities committed on mankind. The institution of slavery is not only the most embarrassing but most sever infraction on the natural rights of man. At times there were in excess of three million black Americans enslaved in this country. It was not the dismal living conditions nor the bleak existence they lived that led them into a resistance of slavery. It was the theft, the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I was glad to learn, in your story, how early the most neglected of God’s children waken to a sense of their rights, and of the injustice done them†(p.36). There were courses of action that slaves took to denounce slavery. The most publicized forms of resistance were running away and acting out in physical violence toward masters. This being said, there were other actions that may have been even more influential in the abolition of slavery. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In order to assert their humanity and independences slaves resisted in many ways. Slaves understood their imperative role in the prosperity of the plantation system. Realizing this they were able to sabotage the success of the plantation through the destruction of tools and crops. Many slaves would take a more passive role in their resistance to work. Others would pretend to be injured, sick, blind or insane. The greatest and most wide spread form of resistance was that of song. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The power of song helped slaves through their dehumanized lives. They created unity in songs of religion and denounced the power their masters held over them. They were going to rebel in all facets of life. Slaves knew â€Å"that a happy slave is an extinct man†(p.33). The meanings of these songs can not be overstated. One who knew the importance of song was Frederick Douglass. â€Å"They told a tale of woe...they breathed the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with theShow MoreRelatedEssay about Civil Disobedience935 Words  | 4 Pagesthe application against slavery and second in the application against segregation. Thoreau’s essay â€Å"Civil Disobedience†and King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†are the leading arguments in defining and encouraging the use of civil disobedience to produce justice from the government despite differences in their separate applications. Thoreau and King saw great injustices that needed to be corrected in the government of their times. Thoreau saw the prominence of slavery and the Mexican-AmericanRead MoreThe Need For Civil Disobedience Essay1172 Words  | 5 Pagesis right. Thus, conscience has to be a main driving force when people encounter unjust laws of government. One of the philosophers who favored this idea was Henry David Thoreau. Specifically, he proposed a theory that a personal conscience is the main sense, which is responsible for basic rudiments of social principles and argued that if complying the law forces to support and be a part of unjust affairs of the government then people should make their own decisions founded on morality. ThereforeRead MoreThe Slave Crucible Analysis1266 Words  | 6 Pagessuch as the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 on the majority of the slave population. Both pieces of literature demonstrate the injustices and demeaning treatment towards African Americans during the 19th century. Pargas’ â€Å"The Slave Crucibles†is structured to provide the personal experiences of slaves by including specific examples and testimonies from those who endured slavery or had first hand encounters with enslaved African Americans. By including such testimonies, Pargas is able to reveal to theRead MoreEssay on The Political Principles of Thoreau807 Words  | 4 Pagesfully recognized until the twentieth century. Ironically, Civil Disobedience, the anti-war, anti-slavery essay for which he is probably best known, has become a manual for social protest by giving support to the passive resistance of Mohandas Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other conscientious objectors (Paul 233). Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience was mainly a protest against slavery: I cannot for an instant recognize the political organization as my government which is the slave’sRead MoreAnalysis Of Henry David Thoreaus Civil Disobedience1432 Words  | 6 Pages Civil Disobedience or originally known as â€Å"Resistance to Civil Government†is one of the most known essay written by Henry David Thoreau. Published in 1866, it was written shortly after Thoreau spent one night in jail due to not paying a poll tax. Outraged by been imprisoned Thoreau wrote the essay to slam the government on many of the issues that were occurring at the time, some events like the Mexican-American war and slavery were the two major targets he bashed as he was opposed in goingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film La Amistad 942 Words  | 4 PagesLa Amistad puts forth in terms of the great injustices of slavery, relating to both domestic usage and international trade. I hope to learn more about the actual events as I research and compare the film’s plot to historical accounts, as well as gaining a better perspective on just how horrid the Middle Passage was. I feel as though abolition would be the most appropriate paradigm for this review, as many of the views expressed are either against slavery or for its removal. Introduction In thisRead More Abolition Essay870 Words  | 4 PagesAbolition A Stronger Resistance The abolitionist movement in the United States sought to eradicate slavery using a wide range of tactics and organizations. The antislavery movement mobilized many African Americans and some whites who sought to end the institution of slavery. Although both black and white abolitionists often worked together, the relationship between them was intricate. The struggle for black abolitionists was much more personal because they wanted to end slavery and also wanted to gainRead MoreEssay on Rhetoric of Resistance in Literature995 Words  | 4 PagesRhetoric of Resistance in Literature Throughout this semester we have read material focusing on slave narratives, authentic and fictionalized. Three very important pieces of literature during the period in which slavery was alive and well in this country that will be examined are: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, David Walkers Appeal and Henry Highland Garnets An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America. Each of these pieces proved to be material that was consideredRead MoreAnalysis Of Lauryn Hill Mystery Of Iniquity1347 Words  | 6 Pagestime where blacks were being served with the injustice of society and being defied the moral code of citizenship, Ms. Hill released a song-like poem that not only told our story but spread the message of frustration and struggle so those without a voice can be heard. â€Å"Mystery of Iniquity†is poem that transcribes three main topics and unifies the timeline of hardship and oppression faced by African Americans. She dates back to the early 1800 s during slavery and takes the listener through time revealingRead MoreFrances E.W. Harper and James Whitfields Influences on the Anti-Slavery Movement1081 Words  | 5 PagesWhitfield are two of the most influential anti-slavery poets of all time. Both individuals use poetry as a form of resistance and as a way to express themselves during a time of great racial tension. Their poems reach out to many different audiences, shedding light on racial injustices that were present in America. Harper’s and Whitfield’s poetry, like many other works that were written during this time, help us to better comprehend the effects of slavery on African Americans. Although Frances E
Monday, December 9, 2019
Accounting Australian Traditional Agriculture
Question: Discuss about the Accounting for Australian Traditional Agriculture. Answer: Introduction The extractive industry is defined as the industry that is engaged in the search of natural resources. The resources that are extracted includes oil, natural gas and mine. The extractive industry require involvement of heavy expenditure before production. The pre-production cost can be dealt either by recognizing it as expenses or by recognizing it assets (Barron, et al., 2015). The accounting treatment of recognizing the preproduction cost as asset is more justified. Therefore, it can be said that the pre-production cost should be recognized as an assets. The reason for such decision is decided in the report below. Recognition of Preproduction Expenses as Expenditure The accounting treatment of recognizing the pre-production cost as expenses is flawed. The cost that are incurred before production is known as the pre-production cost. In general, it can be said that the income statement should recognize the expenses that are incurred for earning the revenue. In this case as the production has yet not started so the recognition of expenses in the profit or loss account is unjustified (Doran et al., 2015). The recognition of pre-production expenses in the profit or loss account increases the cost and hence the loss is increased. Therefore, it can be said that if the pre-production cost is allowed for recognizing in the profit or loss then it will cause abnormal decline in profit thereby giving a wrong picture of the financial position of the company. Recognition of Pre-Production Expenses as Asset There is an alternative way of recognizing assets it is by recognizing the preproduction cost as assets. The assets is any item that is expected to provide future economic benefit to the enterprise. The pre-production cost are incurred so that excavation work is completed (Budeba et al., 2015). On completion of the excavation, work there is a possibility that the company will make economic benefit. Hence, the expenses that are incurred for excavation should be recognized as expenses and amortized over the useful life of the excavation. This will distribute the pre-production cost over the excavation period thus avoiding any abnormal expenditure (Hiscock et al., 2016). Conclusion Based on the above discussion it can be seen that the enterprise should recognize the excavation costa as assets. The main reason for the decision is that expected future economic benefit will arise so the expenses should be recognize as expenditure. Reference Barron, O., Ali, R., Hodgson, G., Smith, D., Qureshi, E., McFarlane, D., ... Zarzo, D. (2015). Feasibility assessment of desalination application in Australian traditional agriculture.Desalination,364, 33-45. Budeba, M. D., Joubert, J. W., Webber-Youngman, R. C. W. (2015). A proposed approach for modelling competitiveness of new surface coal mines.Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,115(11), 1057-1064. Doran, C. M., Ling, R., Milner, A., Doran, C. (2015). The economic cost of suicide and suicide behaviour in the South Australian Construction Industry. Hiscock, P., OConnor, S., Balme, J., Maloney, T. (2016). Worlds earliest ground-edge axe production coincides with human colonisation of Australia.Australian Archaeology,82(1), 2-11.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Migration Video Summary Essays - Demography,
Migration Video Summary Every person has origins that derived from Africa. Climate change and population are the two main causes for migration. Numerous African Americans have moved around the world a thousand years ago. Approximately seventy five thousand years ago a volcanic eruption on the island of Semontra sent ash and smoke into the air for years which caused a reducing cold spell that eliminated plants, and other food-like resources. Once early humans left Africa they began to spread across the globe. These migrations were very diverse over the course of numerous years. In Australia a lot of paintings were all over the caves and this was known as half life. There are multiple paintings but some were known as rituals, songs, and dances. The paintings on the cave's walls were depicted and it showed them as being swift, smooth, and strong. They were also depicted as food and other materials. During the ice age there was an ice gap, they used this as a pathway to North and South America. Going to No rth or South America was a hunter's paradise, and it was located through Uconn and Montana. Mammoths, saber tooth tigers, and other large mammals. As early humans had to travel to Africa they had to adapt to a different environment including harsh climates and unfamiliar sources of food. Human populations settling in Australia created art capturing carvings and paintings across the continent. These early symbolic expressions were not limited to Australia. With all of the art that they have passed along and traded within one another they also learned that their pieces were quite similar.
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