Saturday, November 23, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Pensar
Using the Spanish Verb Pensar Pensar typically means to think, but it is not always used in the same way as the English verb. Most significantly, the words that follow pensar might not be the ones you would expect. Keep in mind that pensar is conjugated irregularly. When the stem pens- is stressed, it becomes piens-. Thus, the present indicative forms are pienso (I think), piensas (you think), piensa (he/she/you think), pensamos (we think), pensis (you think), piensan (they/you think). Here are the main uses of pensar: Using Pensar by Itself Most frequently, pensar, when used by itself, is the equivalent of to think. Pienso, luego existo. (I think, therefore I am.)No pienso mal de ellos. (I dont think bad of them.)El que piensa demasiado siente poco. (The one who thinks too much feels little.) Using Pensar Que Pensar que is a very common way of indicating opinions or beliefs. It often is translated appropriately as to believe rather than to think. In the positive form, it is followed by a verb in the indicative mood. Note that while que in this usage usually can be translated to English as that, it often can be left untranslated, as in third and fourth examples. Pienso que vivo como un cerdo. (I think that I live like a pig.)Mi madre piensa que el doctor es culpable. (My mother believes that the doctor is at fault.)No quiero pensar que me equivoquà ©. (I dont want to believe I made a mistake.)Tambià ©n pensbamos que la recuperacià ³n econà ³mica iba a ser ms rpida. (We also used to believe the economic recovery was going to be quicker.) When used negatively, no pensar que is followed in standard Spanish by a verb in the subjunctive mood. It is not unusual, however, to heard the indicative mood used in casual Spanish. No pienso que seamos diferentes. (I dont believe we are different.)No pensbamos que fueran a darnos problemas. (We didnt think they were going to give us any problems.)Mis amigos no piensan que yo tenga ms de 21 aà ±os. (My friends dont believe Im more than 21 years old.) Using Pensar De Pensar de is another way to say to have an opinion about. Esto es lo que pienso de tu regalo. (This is what I think about your gift.)Tenemos que cambiar de lo que pensamos de nosotros mismos. (We need to change what we think about ourselves.)Ya he indicado antes lo que pienso de la clase. (I have already indicated what I think about the class.)No es bueno preocuparse por lo que los otros piensan de usted. (It isnt good to worry yourself about what others think about about you.) Pensar sobre can also mean to have an opinion about, especially when used in a question. Pensar de is more common.  ¿Quà © piensas sobre la nueva web? (What do you think about the new web site?) ¿Quà © piensan sobre los ataques suicidas como instrumento tctico para ser utilizado en una guerra? (What do they think about suicide attacks as a tactical instrument to be used in a war?) Using Pensar En When followed by en, pensar typically means to think about in the sense of having ones thoughts focus on something. Note that this isnt the same as using to think about in the sense of having an opinion. Estoy pensando en ti. (Im thinking about you.)Pablo no piensa en los riesgos. (Paul doesnt think about the risks.)Las chicas sà ³lo piensan en divertirse. (The girls think only about having fun.)Nadie piensa en cambiar las baterà as. (Nobody thinks about changing the batteries.) Pensar sobre can mean basically the same thing as pensar en but is much less common and is probably overused by English speakers speaking Spanish as a second language or when translating from English to Spanish. Pienso sobre eso dà a y noche. (I think about it day and night.)Primero hacen y luego piensan sobre ello. (First they acted, and then they thought about it.) Following Pensar With an Infinitive When followed by an infinitive, pensar is used to indicate plans or intentions. Pensamos salir maà ±ana. (Were intending to leave tomorrow.)Yo pienso estudiar medicina de veterinaria en la universidad. (Im planning on studying veterinary medicine at the university.)Pensaron salir de Venezuela, pero decidieron permanecer. (The were planning to leave Venezuela, but they stayed.)
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