Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Opposition To The New Deal
Opposition To The New Deal When Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the United States of America (USA) in March 1933, he had done so with a landslide victory over Herbet Hoover. Roosevelt took action to bring about immediate economic relief especially to those most affected by the Great Depression as well as reforms in industry through a series of ‘alphabet agencies’. The New Deal was effective to a great extent after implementation, yet it did have its critics. Roosevelt was largely accused of inappropriate government expenditure, economic interference in bigger businesses and not fully considering the programs prior to their implementation. Roosevelt’s most notable critics were Senator Huey Long, Dr Francis Townsend and Father Charles Coughlin. All of these individuals, however, displayed a certain inferiority when compared with the Supreme Court. Much of the New Deal legislation was enacted within the first three months of Roosevelt’s presidency. His first objective was to alleviate the suffering of the nation’s huge number of unemployed workers. Such agencies as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were established to dispense emergency and short-term governmental aid. Opposed to the traditional American political philosophy of laissez-faire, the New Deal generally embraced the concept of government-regulated economy aimed at achieving balance among conflicting economic interests. However Roosevelt met criticism from many people through out his imposition of the New Deal, especially when old antagonisms between the Democrats and Republicans emerged. Specific opposition came from three people in particular, Huey Long, Francis Townsen... Free Essays on Opposition To The New Deal Free Essays on Opposition To The New Deal Opposition To The New Deal When Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the United States of America (USA) in March 1933, he had done so with a landslide victory over Herbet Hoover. Roosevelt took action to bring about immediate economic relief especially to those most affected by the Great Depression as well as reforms in industry through a series of ‘alphabet agencies’. The New Deal was effective to a great extent after implementation, yet it did have its critics. Roosevelt was largely accused of inappropriate government expenditure, economic interference in bigger businesses and not fully considering the programs prior to their implementation. Roosevelt’s most notable critics were Senator Huey Long, Dr Francis Townsend and Father Charles Coughlin. All of these individuals, however, displayed a certain inferiority when compared with the Supreme Court. Much of the New Deal legislation was enacted within the first three months of Roosevelt’s presidency. His first objective was to alleviate the suffering of the nation’s huge number of unemployed workers. Such agencies as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were established to dispense emergency and short-term governmental aid. Opposed to the traditional American political philosophy of laissez-faire, the New Deal generally embraced the concept of government-regulated economy aimed at achieving balance among conflicting economic interests. However Roosevelt met criticism from many people through out his imposition of the New Deal, especially when old antagonisms between the Democrats and Republicans emerged. Specific opposition came from three people in particular, Huey Long, Francis Townsen...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Pensar
Using the Spanish Verb Pensar Pensar typically means to think, but it is not always used in the same way as the English verb. Most significantly, the words that follow pensar might not be the ones you would expect. Keep in mind that pensar is conjugated irregularly. When the stem pens- is stressed, it becomes piens-. Thus, the present indicative forms are pienso (I think), piensas (you think), piensa (he/she/you think), pensamos (we think), pensis (you think), piensan (they/you think). Here are the main uses of pensar: Using Pensar by Itself Most frequently, pensar, when used by itself, is the equivalent of to think. Pienso, luego existo. (I think, therefore I am.)No pienso mal de ellos. (I dont think bad of them.)El que piensa demasiado siente poco. (The one who thinks too much feels little.) Using Pensar Que Pensar que is a very common way of indicating opinions or beliefs. It often is translated appropriately as to believe rather than to think. In the positive form, it is followed by a verb in the indicative mood. Note that while que in this usage usually can be translated to English as that, it often can be left untranslated, as in third and fourth examples. Pienso que vivo como un cerdo. (I think that I live like a pig.)Mi madre piensa que el doctor es culpable. (My mother believes that the doctor is at fault.)No quiero pensar que me equivoquà ©. (I dont want to believe I made a mistake.)Tambià ©n pensbamos que la recuperacià ³n econà ³mica iba a ser ms rpida. (We also used to believe the economic recovery was going to be quicker.) When used negatively, no pensar que is followed in standard Spanish by a verb in the subjunctive mood. It is not unusual, however, to heard the indicative mood used in casual Spanish. No pienso que seamos diferentes. (I dont believe we are different.)No pensbamos que fueran a darnos problemas. (We didnt think they were going to give us any problems.)Mis amigos no piensan que yo tenga ms de 21 aà ±os. (My friends dont believe Im more than 21 years old.) Using Pensar De Pensar de is another way to say to have an opinion about. Esto es lo que pienso de tu regalo. (This is what I think about your gift.)Tenemos que cambiar de lo que pensamos de nosotros mismos. (We need to change what we think about ourselves.)Ya he indicado antes lo que pienso de la clase. (I have already indicated what I think about the class.)No es bueno preocuparse por lo que los otros piensan de usted. (It isnt good to worry yourself about what others think about about you.) Pensar sobre can also mean to have an opinion about, especially when used in a question. Pensar de is more common.  ¿Quà © piensas sobre la nueva web? (What do you think about the new web site?) ¿Quà © piensan sobre los ataques suicidas como instrumento tctico para ser utilizado en una guerra? (What do they think about suicide attacks as a tactical instrument to be used in a war?) Using Pensar En When followed by en, pensar typically means to think about in the sense of having ones thoughts focus on something. Note that this isnt the same as using to think about in the sense of having an opinion. Estoy pensando en ti. (Im thinking about you.)Pablo no piensa en los riesgos. (Paul doesnt think about the risks.)Las chicas sà ³lo piensan en divertirse. (The girls think only about having fun.)Nadie piensa en cambiar las baterà as. (Nobody thinks about changing the batteries.) Pensar sobre can mean basically the same thing as pensar en but is much less common and is probably overused by English speakers speaking Spanish as a second language or when translating from English to Spanish. Pienso sobre eso dà a y noche. (I think about it day and night.)Primero hacen y luego piensan sobre ello. (First they acted, and then they thought about it.) Following Pensar With an Infinitive When followed by an infinitive, pensar is used to indicate plans or intentions. Pensamos salir maà ±ana. (Were intending to leave tomorrow.)Yo pienso estudiar medicina de veterinaria en la universidad. (Im planning on studying veterinary medicine at the university.)Pensaron salir de Venezuela, pero decidieron permanecer. (The were planning to leave Venezuela, but they stayed.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Secondary Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Secondary Research - Essay Example Another justification is secondary data are more convenient to employ in the research because they are already compacted and organized. Furthermore, analysis and explanation are done more easily (Gill, 1993 and Israel, 1993). Using secondary data also leads to easy summarization of all the needed information, formulation of conclusion according to the null hypotheses and insightful recommendations focusing with subprime mortgages. One of the benefits of secondary data analysis is that researchers with research skills limit or technical skills limit can be taught to perform this type of analysis. The main issue in this process that the research chose is his skill to judge the quality of the collected data or information that has been collected (Novak, 1996 and Pritchard, 1996). Primary data are raw materials of the process of research, they represent the events in the subprime mortgages, while secondary data are based on primary data, they are already describe, analyzed and synthesize. The question is, if the source is secondary, does it accurately related to the information needed that can be answered by primary data Secondary data is basically called as outcome data. Because secondary data is usually characterize as the state or circumstance of phenomena or a group. On the other hand, these data do not tell the researcher why the state or condition exists. This is the limitation of using secondary data but can be solved by two ways, like analysis of more key data and indicators (Shell, 1997 and Trochim, 1997). This approach helped the researcher explained why the problem in his study exists. For example, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the downfall of AIG has been identified as a problem, there will be data on their finances, types of mortgages, different terms and payments of the borrowers, cost of bankruptcy and so on, this information can be paralleled to identifying ho this problem occurred and possible causes of the problems and solutions. Thus, cross-analyzing main indicators and utilizing information sources helped the researcher understands or make rationalization sound inferences about the immeasurable states or situations, this has allowed the researcher to have a better understanding of the events in answering the questions, what, where and why. Secondary data analysis can be taken out rather than rapidly when paralleled to structured primary data collection and analysis practices. The level of data desegregation, secondary analysis of data leads itself to pattern analysis as it provides a relatively easy way to observe change over time (Price, 2000 and Trochim, 2002). However, since secondary data is not basically collected by the researcher for the same objective as the original researcher, the purposes and goals of the original study can possibly brings out bias to the study. In this study, secondary data can be an important source of facts for acquiring knowledge and insight into a wide range of issues and situation. The review and analysis of secondary data can offer an efficient way of answering issues, practicing cross-national parallelization, understanding the events in the current state of the subprime mortgages, identifying the direction and extent of change. Finally, secondary data complements primary data
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Economic Health Memo Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economic Health Memo - Term Paper Example In fact, GDP is very easy to â€Å"game†(Ritholtz, 2010). â€Å"[Y]ou simply under-report inflation, and GDP appears to be better than it is†. Since inflation depends on counting the value of a good last year and doing so across many goods to make sure that it's not just one or two goods that grew in price for other reasons, there's a lot of subjectivity and uncertainty in making it. GDP is also not as helpful as it could be because it positively counts negative externalities (Ritholtz, 2010). That means that pollution, which is a bad thing, is counted as a good thing because it makes people spend money to go to the doctor or buy new houses to move. â€Å"If you buy a car, the GDP goes up. If you cut a tree, the GDP goes up. But if you preserve the tree, the GDP does not grow. Now you have to decide whether you need the tree or the GDP†(Sharma, 2010). Thus, it is hard to use the GDP to predict the business cycle, and economists are looking for a better indicato r of economic health. Fiscal policies are guided by economic facts and by measures like the GDP: As we've seen already, the GDP's inadequacies can cause lawmakers concerned only with increasing the GDP to increase externalities such as injured workers, ecological damage, and health costs as a byproduct, and not reap the consequences or even be aware of them. But what about fiscal policy and unemployment? The jury is out as to whether reducing or increasing taxes, reducing or increasing spending, etc. is better for production and employment.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History of Halloween Essay Example for Free
History of Halloween Essay Close to $7 billion dollars is what consumers spent on Halloween costumes, candy, and decorations in 2011. When the temperature starts to drop, the leaves turn different colors and the sun sets earlier little by little each day, fall is the perfect season to celebrate Halloween. Millions of children dress up and go to strangers doors begging for candy. Have you ever wondered where this strange and unique tradition originated from? The three most important points of Halloween can be summed up by looking at its origins, how it came to include jack-o-lanterns and bobbing for apples, and how it is celebrated today with trick-or-treating and haunted houses. Halloween, also known as All Hallows Eve, has originated from the ancient Celtic festival known as Samahin (sow-in) derived from the Old Irish Samuin meaning summers end. The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, celebrated the end of the harvest season with the festival of Samhain and celebrated the upcoming new Year on November 1. Used by the ancient pagans, Samhain was a time to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. October 31 was the day the ancient Gaels believed the boundaries overlapped between the worlds of the living and the dead, and the departed souls would come back to life and cause mayhem such as damaged crops and sickness. The Gaels built massive bonfires and summoned the help from gods through animal and possibly human sacrifices to ward of the spirits. It is believed that the fires attracted insects to the area which in turn attracted bats. These are additional features of the history of Halloween. Halloween is also thought to be influenced by the Christian holy days of All Saints Day, also known as Hallowmas, and All Souls Day falling on November 1 and 2. It was a time for honoring the saints and praying for the deceased who had yet to reach heaven. Traditionally it was believed that the departed souls roamed the earth until All Saints Day, and Hallows Eve delivered one last chance before moving on to the next world, to gain revenge on their enemies. Christians would disguise themselves in costumes and masks to avoid being recognized by the wandering souls. Trick or treating is the practice of dressing up in costumes and going door to door begging for candy and resembles the late medieval practice of souling when the poor would proceed door to door on Hallowmas receiving food, or soul cakes which were pastries, and in return would pray for their dead relatives souls. It was believed at the time the souls of the departed would wait for passage into heaven until enough people prayed for their souls. Soul cakes would be given in exchange for a song, performance, or another sort of trick in some cultures. Eventually, children embraced this practice and were given money, food, and ale. Jack o lanterns are a Halloween staple today, with at least two historical roots. The first is the pagan Celtic people carved turnips and rutabagas to hold hot coal from the bonfire to light their homes and ward off the evil spirits. Another folklore tale gives jack o lanterns their name. An Irish myth portrays a trickster and a drunk known as Stingy Jack, who asked the devil to have a drink with him. Jack persuaded the devil to change himself into a coin so he could pay for his drink, but instead he put the coin in his wallet next to a silver cross, trapping the devil and preventing him to change himself back. Jack said he would free the devil if he did not bother him for another year. The following year Jack tricks the devil into climbing an apple tree for a piece of fruit. He then carved a cross in the bark of the tree preventing the devil from climbing down. In order to get down from the tree, the devil promised Jack he would not seek his soul anymore. Because of his swindling and drunken ways, when Jack died he was not allowed into heaven. He also was not allowed into Hell because the devil kept his word. Taking pity on Jack, the devil gave him an ember to light his way in the dark, putting it into a hollowed out turnip for Jack to carry on his lonely, everlasting roamings around the Earth. People from Ireland and Scotland would make Jack o lanterns during this season to scare away Stingy Jack and other evil spirits wandering about. Over the next several centuries, superstitions about witches and black cats were added to the folklore and legends of Halloween. Cats were thought of as evil, especially black cats, and were killed by the thousands in Medieval times, possibly contributing to the Black Plague, due to the shortage of the rats natural enemy, the cat. During this time, the church created the belief that evil witches existed. Apples, which are a seasonal fruit, and the symbol of the Roman goddess Pomona, were thought at the time to retain qualities of knowledge, resurrection, and immorality. Bobbing for apples was thought to predict the future on the night of Samhain. (sow-in) Halloween eventually made its way over the Atlantic in the second half of the nineteenth century when America became flooded with new immigrants. Taking from Irish and English traditions, Americans began to dress up in costumes and go house to house asking for food or money, a practice that ultimately became todays trick-or-treat tradition. The 20th century saw an emergence of Halloween as a genuinely North American holiday and one that was becoming an advantage for shopkeepers and manufactures. Costuming became popular for Halloween parties for children and adults as well. The first mass-produced Halloween costumes appeared in stores in the 1930s when trick-or-treating was becoming popular in the United States. Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Over time, the costume selection extended to include popular characters from fiction, celebrities, and generic prototypes such as ninjas and princesses. Haunted attractions are entertainment venues designed to thrill and scare patrons. Most attractions are seasonal Halloween businesses. Origins of these paid scare venues are difficult to pinpoint, but it is generally accepted that they were first commonly used by the Junior Chamber International (Jaycees), who are a non-political youth service organization between the ages of 18 to 40, for fundraising. They include haunted houses, corn mazes, and hayrides, and the level of sophistication of the effects has risen as the industry has grown. Haunted attractions in the United States bring in an estimate $300-500 million each year, and draw some 400,000 customers. This maturing and growth within the industry has led to more technically-advanced special effects and costuming, comparable with that of Hollywood films. Halloween is currently the second most important party night in North America, and in terms of its retail potential, it is second to Christmas. Personally, Halloween is one of my favorite days of the year. Even as an adult, to dress up and be someone or something else for the night can be fun and exciting. To escape reality into a fantasy-like world where goblins mingle with princesses is definitely a strange site to see, but is well worth the money and time devoted to one of the spookiest nights of the year. So whether you celebrate Halloween or not, you now have an idea of how Halloween originated, how it came to include bobbing for apples and jack-o-lanterns, and how we celebrate it today with haunted houses and trick-or treating. The sources I cited for this information are from: www.cnbc.com www.halloweenhistory.org www.wikipedia.org www.history.com
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Mankinds Evil Exposed in Lord of the Flies Essay -- Lord of the Flies
Mankind's Evil Exposed in Lord of the Flies     Despite the progression of civilization and society's attempts to suppress man's darker side, moral depravity proves both indestructible and inescapable; contrary to culturally embraced views of humanistic tendencies towards goodness, each individual is susceptible to his base, innate instincts. In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, seemingly innocent schoolboys evolve into bloodthirsty savages as the latent evil within them emerges. Their regression into savagery is ironically paralleled by an intensifying fear of evil, and it culminates in several brutal slays as well as a frenzied manhunt. The graphic consequence of the boys' unrestrained barbarity, emphasized by the backdrop of an external war, exigently explores mankind's potential for evil.  Dismissing the detonation of an atom bomb and the possible deaths of their parents as merely an "unusual problem" (14), the schoolboys selfishly indulge in their lush jungle environs. The overwhelming "glamour [which] spread[s] over them" (25) momentarily eclipses their awakening need for domination. At first, the boys express this necessity through the seemingly innocuous heaving of rocks and the belittling of Piggy, who is physically inferior. Had these actions occurred in the boys' English homeland, they would have been accepted as ordinary,childish behavior. However, under the guise of innocent excitement, the boys derive an unimaginably "violent pleasure" (18) from "exercising control over living things" (61).  Ominously, their craving for power is a presage for the blood that is to be shed. This blood which had initially been so "unbearable" (31) is now lusted after; it compels Jack... ...lightenment is a condemnation rather than a liberation, because the knowledge of evil will forever remain as a scar upon his mind.  Now that Ralph truly understands the "darkness of man's heart" (202), he will recognize it in all its forms and disguises, falling heir to Simon's role of the bearer of truth and condemnation. The constant possibility that he may succumb to internal evil may instill Ralph with an further sense of anxiety and despair. This torment marks "the end of [his] innocence" (202), and Ralph will never be able to return to his former state of carefree happiness. Only death, the end to each individual's experience of the human condition the same death that liberated Simon and Piggy can free Ralph from the enlightenment and curse of his insight. Work Cited Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Harcourt, 1962.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A/c term paper
HOOF-iffy has the acceptable stability and the compatibility properties with HOFF-AAA. It is also mildly flammable but not as flammable as previous refrigerant. This is why company's such as Volkswagen who has refused to use the new refrigerant. This new product also has a low toxicity level. Comparing the two refrigerants of HOFF-AAA and HOOF-iffy the AAA is a hydro fluorocarbon while the iffy is a hydrofluoric-olefin refrigerant. HOFF refrigerants are have one single bong while the HOOF refrigerant is bonded with at least one double bond between the carbon atoms.HOOF-iffy has the same physical properties as HOFF-AAA therefore iffy may be used in current AAA systems without making many modifications to the system. According to DuPont iffy has the potential to be retrofitted to the existing HOFF-AAA systems. The only problem with this that it can cause is that HOOF-iffy is said to be tens times more expensive then the existing HOFF-AAA which then brings the idea of shops recharging t he system with â€Å"HOOF-iffy†but actually refilling it with the cheaper HOFF-AAA since they will be so similar. Studies have proved that HOOF-iffy has improved performance beating the HOFF-AAA.HOOF-iffy will have a lower total contribution to climate change. It has a more environmentally sustainable refrigerant for automobiles that has a 99. 7% better GAP score than the currently used refrigerants, test have also proved that it will lead to better fuel efficiency. Thus also leading it to be more efficient in warmer climates rather than using CO. Performance Test First begin doing your test with selecting your temperature knob to cold then your selector to Max LLC. This will now recalculate the cabin air without letting outside air thus resulting in colder temperature.Then turn blower switch to full blast. Now start engine, put pressure on gas petal until reaching two thousand RPM. Now make sure to close all windows and doors. The next step would be to place an auxiliary fa n in front of the car facing the condenser. Allow the system to stabilize which will take approximately five to ten minutes. Now begin to place a thermometer in the register closet to the evaporator and check the temperature. When you read the temperature it should be around thirty-five to forty degrees Fahrenheit with an ambient air temperature of eighty degrees Fahrenheit.At this time if you have a set of gauges, this would be a good time to put them on to read your pressures and see when the impresser is cycling or cycling at all in some cases. If outlet temperature is high, check compressor cycling time. After this process now first check the cycling clutch switch operation. Second and final step for this process, is if clutch is energize continuously, discharge the system and check for missing orifice tube, plugged inlet screen, or any other restrictions in the suction line. Diagnosis using Manifold Gauge Test 1 . ) Low side should read 30 SSI and high side should read 200 SSI. This is considered a normal pressurized system. 2. ) Low side reads 12 SSI and high side reads Pepsi. When the gauges read this, this will cause the clutch to cycle more often thus resulting in the clutch having to be bypassed to be diagnosed. Your diagnosis should conclude with a possible partial restriction in the metering device, screen clogged, or moisture in the system or a possible kinked hose on the low pressure side. You should visually inspect to see if there faulty blower or a faulty cycling switch. Also check to see if the evaporator so dirty or the filter and to see if it is iced. . ) Low side will read very low around Pepsi. High side will read normal at first but then drop. Your diagnosis will conclude that you are low on refrigerant. First perform a leak test to see if that is why your refrigerant is so low. Then check and see if there is a total restriction on the low side. Another possibility is the TXT being stuck closed. If so warm the sensing bulb and check press ure, sensing bulb may have lost its charge. 4. ) Low side will read low. High side will read high. This will mean there is restriction in the discharge line. 5. ) Low side will read high or equalized.High side will read low or equalized. If equalized check hand valves to make sure they are open all the way. Possible electrical problem with the clutch not engaging. Also check fuses, clutch coil, wires, relay, switches, and compressor to see if there are any defects. Check to see if the clutch is engaged, valves are open and rings, belt, bearings and seal are in good working condition. 6. ) Low side will read high. High side will read normal. In this case the TXT will be stuck open. Sensing bulb may not be insulated or loose. Also could have a flooded evaporator. 7. ) Low side will read high. High side will read high.This will result in a overcharged system or air contamination. Also a oil overcharge or dye overcharge. Also check to see if the condenser is blocked. Check for dirt, pla stic bags, bent fins. Could need to be cleaned and replace broken fans if need be. Now check the electrical side such as the fans, clutch, and check to see if the engine is overheating because of poor air flow. Suggests that could be caused from the timing being off or contaminated refrigerant. Leak Detection To first do leak detection you will need to get your system to at least Pepsi for a minimum. Second you must I. D your refrigerant.One detection method is a Halide torch. This will only work on Cuff's and Hooch's. You will need propane and a search hose. Next heat your reactor plate until it is red hot. The color of the flame will change once it finds a leak depending on the size of the leak. The second method of doing leak detection is the Soap Solution. Use a premixed soup solution mixed with water then spray on Joints and suspected areas of possible leaks, now look for leaks. A third method is the fluorescent dye. Take dye and inject into system while it Is in vacuum. Let th e dye cycle through the system for three to four days then bring back in to check for leaks.This method does not harm the systems performance, once back not the shop check system for leaks with a black light. The dye comes in two colors which are yellow and red. The drawback of using this method is the dye stains and will never come out. The fourth method of leak detection is using an electronic leak detector. A new and old type of these systems. The older year detects the chlorine in R-12 and the newer models can detect both. They are self-calibrating and can self I. D leak rates as low as . Jazz per year. Once you hear a beep that's when it has found a leak. You never want to touch the leak detector to the refrigerant.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Is Warfare in Nature of Man? Essay
War has always been a companion of man and a part of human existence. In the human history only few years have been absolutely peaceful when all peoples of the globe lived in friendship or at least without conflicts. Already the fist weapons, invented by man, could be used as weapons of war. So war can be called an attribute of humans same as mind, or ability to walk on two legs. A question whether war is caused by inborn or social determinants is, perhaps, as old as history. Once more it has been addressed by Margaret Meade in her â€Å"Warfare: An Invention – Not a Biological Necessity†. She argues, that primitive indigenous societies have no idea of warfare and puts in the Eskimos as example. So she believes, that war is a matter of social existence and humans have invented war in the course history just as they invented a wheel. Under Meade, humans have no inborn tendency to war and there are no objective factors for a war to arise. War as she puts it, is a method invented to resolve conflicts, equal to other conflicts resolution methods such as courts and negotiations. This paper is to contest such position and prove, that war is in fact in the nature of man and it is inevitable for man, so it is impossible to speak of war as of invention. It will review some of Meade’s arguments and evaluate them using academic papers, that disagree with Mead’s position. The final thesis of the paper is that WAR IN HUMAN SOCIETIES IS PRECONDITIONED BY BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL DETERMINANTS. War her can not be compared to other methods of conflict resolution, because it is not, or at least not only a method to resolve conflicts. War is a phenomena which exists as itself and does not result from necessity to cope with certain misunderstanding. References to some fragments of Mead’s paper shall be used in forming arguments against her theory. First and foremost it is necessary to determine the subject and find out what is war. Meade offers the following definition: â€Å"organized conflict between two groups as groups, in which each group puts an army (even if the army is only fifteen Pygmies) in the field to fight and kill, if possible, some of the members of the army of the other group†. The key word here is â€Å"conflict†. War is usually defined as an organized form of conflicts between groups. Usually such groups are represented by societies or communities, most often by peoples and nations. In his brilliant â€Å"War Before Civilization†professor Lawrence H. Keeley has calculated that 90-95% of peoples communities were once engaged to war in this or that way and many of them fought constantly . Whether war has been invented or not, those numbers suggest, that war is more usual than peace for humans. And all those wars have been caused by conflicts. In this respect war is a result of conflict and it’s embodiment but not the conflict itself. So, in order to find out what war is it is necessary to find out what conflict is and what causes it. For this paper we shall use the following definition: conflict is a discord between needs interests and values of people or between interests, needs and values of a person and the surrounding . War is a conflict between groups, so in this paper we shall speak mostly about conflicts between people, although it is often impossible to clearly distinguish them. At that terms â€Å"war†and â€Å"conflict†should not be confused, because in this paper we accept that war is not a form of conflict. War is not a discord itself, it is a result of discord, which is going to be discussed later. Scholars have proposed a number of theories to explain reasons of conflict resulting in war. They include psychological, evolutionary, sociological, anthropological, rationalist and other ones. Advocates of psychological theories such as E. F. M. Durban and John Bowlby argue that violence is inherited by man. The society oppresses violence as an inacceptable form of behavior. So war is an â€Å"outlet valve†for natural human violence. In order to justify natural violence people use to invent ideologies as causes for war. Some of the â€Å"militarists†even argue that peace does not exist at all and that what seems to be peace is nothing but a preparation to the next war period . Historical theories explain that wars result from certain conditions and are similar to traffic accidents. However, there are no rules to limit them and no system to predict them. However, social scientists criticize those theories stating that in most wars there are leaders who take a final decision about war, so wars can not be recognized purely accidental . However, it can be noticed, that decisions of leaders are taken mostly as a result of certain events and warlike leaders can hardly make people go to war, if they are strongly against fighting. Anthropological theorists, which Margaret Meade stands most close to, argue that war has appeared at some stage of civilization development, so war is culturally learned. Anthropologists reject the presence of links between different forms of violence, so war can not be compared to fighting animals or similar conflicts. War under the result of popular pressure, but it is caused exclusively by violent leaders . However, a question arises once again. If war is not in nature of man, how does war come to the nature of a leader? Sociologists have been interested in war since the early years of sociology, so they have developed their own sociological theories. Eckart Kehr and Hans-Ulrich Wehler pointed that war is a result of internationalized inner tensions inside the society, and the target for aggression is determined by international situation. So the basis for war is economic, political and social situation inside a community. In contrast, Carl von Clausewitz and Leopold von Ranke, who are also said to be advocates of sociological theories, argue, that war results from decision of statesmen, who react to certain situation in this or that way . This argument stands close to anthropological approach. There are several demographic theories about war. Malthusian theories speak that wars are caused by disproportion between growing population and lack of resources for this population. To solve the problem the community starts an expansion which results in war with the neighbors. Youth Bulge theory is more sophisticated. Under it, when a society includes a number of young and physically able young males who can’t find an occupation for themselves inside the community, those young men will fight for fortune outside the community . This phenomenon can be easily found in medieval Europe, where younger sons of the nobility had to leave their father’s estate, which must have been inherited only by the older son. No difference how they called themselves – Vikings, Crusaders or conquistadors, they went to distant lands to make war. Most of them just died, thusly solving the problem of â€Å"younger sons†, and some of them did receive a reward in form of money, new lands and glory. Evolutionary psychology theories see war as a result of evolving psychological features, including fear of being attacked and beliefs that only war can make people happy or ensure their future. This includes fear, that another group of people can be dangerous, that another group can be provoked to conflict, assertion, that other group is immoral or sinful or inherently evil, so it should be punished. Under this theory, the decision to make war can hardly be rational, and is often taken out of fear or hate . The rationalist theories assume, that both sides of conflicts have potential reasons for war which can be understood and logically predicted. Each side strives to obtain the best possible result with minimal losses. In case both parties could reasonably predict the outcome it would be better for them just to accept the results of war without suffering it’s losses. War requires both sides to accept risk. In case the desire to fight a war is stronger than fear of risk, the war is likely to emerge. Entering the war each party needs to evaluate it’s readiness to attack and it’s readiness to be attacked. Under the economic theories war results from economic competition and in peruse for new markets and natural resources. Another possible reason is defense of existing markets and trade roots. And thirdly a war may be caused by the desire of poor countries to benefit from plundering the rich countries . Other schools include Marxist and political science theories, however, their concepts of war remain undeveloped. It should be noted, that a single theory of war can hardly be created. Each particular war is explained by it’s own reasons. Colonial wars are explained by economic theories, and the conquests of Genghis Khan fall under anthropological and demographic theories. An overview has been provided not to choose the best theory, but to find out how each theory supports or contradicts the thesis of Margaret Meade and the thesis of this paper. Meade argues, that since there are peoples, which are unfamiliar with the idea of war itself, even defensive war, it is necessary to speak of war as invention. She states that: â€Å"The CASE FOR warfare is much clearer because there are peoples even today who have no warfare. Of these the Eskimos are perhaps the most conspicuous examples, but the Lepchas of Sikkim described by Geoffrey Gorer in Himalayan Village are as good. Neither of these peoples understands war, not even defensive warfare. The idea of warfare is lacking, and this idea is as essential to really carrying on war as an alphabet or a syllabary is to writing†. Under Meade, war is s ort of response to particular events in peoples tradition. War is a traditional way of settling conflicts in most of the world, and for some people it is not a traditional method, so they just do not know what is war. Meade’s point appears to be vague simply because of lack of actual evidence. She speaks, that some people do not know about war, but the only people she manages to demonstrate as proof are the Eskimos. Perhaps it is not a proof, but an exception that proves the opposite argument. And the argument is, that all peoples fight war, except for Eskimos, and this means, that Eskimos are unusual and they break a common rule. And the common rule is that war is an attribute of man. The described theories summarize different factors, but in total it should be concluded, that war is a response to the situation of conflict. This conflict can be demographic (lack of territory for the population), economic (fighting for markets) or evolutional (hate to others). Of course, there is an anthropological theory, which asserts, that for some reason peoples, which are originally peaceful, suddenly start to support violent leaders, but this theory fails to explain the reasons for such support and origin of violent leaders themselves. All the reasons for war mentioned in the theories reflect usual human reactions to conflicts. When a person has nothing to eat, he or she is likely to steal. When an entire people has nothing to eat, it will fight for food with the neighbors. When a person believes, that his neighbor is an awful criminal, he or she is likely to attack the neighbor in case he approaches, even if he came to say â€Å"hello†. When an entire people believes, that other people is insane, a war between those peoples is likely to emerge. This analogy can be applied to each and every theory. In the light of this it is necessary to specially consider new sorts of war: economic war and terrorist war. Economic wars are ideally explained by economic theories. They are fought for resources and markets. However, they include unfriendly actions and acts of violence. They may have casualties. So they are wars fought in other way. Terroristic wars are even more obvious case. They are fought under instructions of charismatic leaders and with concrete purposes, explained by theories of war. Reasons for the new sorts of war are same as for the old ones. They are results of conflicts. Upon separation of conflict and the resulting war, war becomes characterized as a response to the conflict. When groups of people find no other acceptable way to resolve the conflict, they turn to war. And the more organized the community is, the more organized it’s warfare is. This conflict is violent, because human nature is violent. This means not that violence is necessary for a man, but that violence is available for a man, and man often uses violence. It is just a part of our nature, whether we want it or not. In case it was not true, there would not be no fights of the streets and wars between peoples. But it is true, and non-violence in the society is more unusual, than violence. As soon as it is understood, that war is a VIOLENT METHOD OF RESOLVING CONFLICTS BETWEEN GROUPS OF PEOPLE it becomes obvious, that war is a natural state for a man. It has not been invented, it existed just as long, as man existed. The war took more complex forms, but it remained war. This does not mean, that wars are desirable, surely they are to be avoided at all costs. But even in case all wars are once finished this would not mean, that the war disappears. It will just not be used, but it will continue to exist inside us. Works cited: 1. Margaret Meade, Warfare is only an invention – not a biological necessity. Taken from: http://www. ppu. org. uk/learn/infodocs/st_invention. html (last viewed: October 16, 2007)2. Lawrence H. Keeley. War Before Civilization, Oxford University Press, 1996 3. Ashley Montagu, The Nature of Human Aggression, Oxford University Press, 1976 4. Azar Gat. War in Human Civilization, Oxford University Press, 2006 5. Fuller Gary: The Demographic Backdrop to Ethnic Conflict: A Geographic Overwiew, in: CIA (Ed. ): â€Å"The Challenge of Ethnic Conflict to National and International Order in the 1990s†, Washington 1995 6. Powell Robert. Bargaining Theory and International Conflict. Annual Review of Political Science 5: 1-30, 2002
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Morality
, if there are no human beings, then there can be no values (Thiroux 14). Each theory presented above also has criticisms in opposition of their ideas. In regards to the Supernatural Theory, it is a belief, based on faith, because there is no conclusive proof of the existence of a supernatural being (Thiroux 14). The Natural Law Theory refers to natural moral laws. These so-called natural laws are descriptive and there is no evidence that any natural moral laws that prescribes how beings in nature should or ought to behave or not behave exists. The subjective view believes there is no value in nature outside of human beings. This point of view is rather pretentious. Whether or not... Free Essays on Morality Free Essays on Morality Morality Morality. It has been questioned by people, honored by people and revered since the beginning of time. Yet even today not one person can say what is morally right. It is a matter of opinion. It was Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s opinion that it was alright to create a "monster". Frankenstein’s creation needed a companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil should the doctor make a second? With the knowledge at hand, to Dr. Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. Looking at this problem with his family in mind, the doctor begins his work on the second monster. The first monster threatened Frankenstein and even his family. The monster angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can make you so wretched." (pg. 162) Trying to scare Frankenstein for not creating his mate the monster resorted to threats. If the good doctor does create a companion for his first creation he may be endangering others. "The miserable monster whom I had created," (pg.152) says Victor upon looking back at his work. If there is another monster there will be twice the power and possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighborhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation’s m ! ate there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe evoking fear into townsfolk. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propagated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to himself in his study. The monsters, if powerful enough, could possibly take over Europe. Frankenstein... Free Essays on Morality Morality is a subjective topic that is solely based on each individuals perception. First let me explain what morality is. Morality is the concept that beliefs and actions are either good and right or bad and wrong. People are considered to be moral or immoral depending on where their beliefs fall into the overall spectrum of morality. Most people tend to fall into the middle of the spectrum, meaning they know the difference between right and wrong but may not always follow it. The origin of morality is a controversial topic that has been debated for centuries. One idea is the Supernatural Theory. This is the belief that values come from some higher or supernatural being, beings, or principle, such as God and His Sons. These beings or principles embody the highest good themselves, and they reveal to human beings what is right or good and what is bad or wrong (Thiroux 13). The other theory is the Natural Law Theory. This is the belief that morality somehow is embodied in nature, and that there are â€Å"natural laws†that human beings must adhere to if they are to be moral (Thiroux 13). One opposition to both theories is the belief that values are totally subjective. That means that morality stems from within human beings. In other words, if there are no human beings, then there can be no values (Thiroux 14). Each theory presented above also has criticisms in opposition of their ideas. In regards to the Supernatural Theory, it is a belief, based on faith, because there is no conclusive proof of the existence of a supernatural being (Thiroux 14). The Natural Law Theory refers to natural moral laws. These so-called natural laws are descriptive and there is no evidence that any natural moral laws that prescribes how beings in nature should or ought to behave or not behave exists. The subjective view believes there is no value in nature outside of human beings. This point of view is rather pretentious. Whether or not...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Romeo and Juliet Laws Mean for Teens
What Romeo and Juliet Laws Mean for Teens When Shakespeare brought Romeo and Juliet to life, he was intentional in choosing two young characters as his protagonists. Then as now, two teenagers having consensual sex is perfectly understandable. On the other hand, an adult molesting a child is reprehensible. The difference between the two situations would seem obvious. But in many states across America, from a legal standpoint, there’s little distinction between Romeo and Juliets mutual decision and the abusive actions of a child molester. An older teen who has sex with his younger girlfriend can be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for the act. Even worse, they may carry the stigma of being labeled a sex offender for the rest of their life. The problem typically arises when the male is 18 or 19, the female is between 14 and 16, and the parent of the younger teen presses charges. (Even Romeo would be labeled a sex offender today, as he was believed to be 16 and Juliet 13 when their relationship began.) Consent and Advice Though the age of consent (i.e. the age at which an individual can legally agree to have sex) varies from state to state- and often splits along gender lines- it is definitive in one aspect: it refers to sexual acts between heterosexuals. In over half the states, sex between homosexuals is either not addressed by existing laws or is considered a crime. Recent changes in the laws governing consensual sex between minors or an adult 18 years of age and a minor 14-16 years of age have acknowledged that this intimacy is not the same as molestation. The new laws, named â€Å"Romeo and Juliet laws†after Shakespeare’s tragic teenage lovers, attempt to correct overly harsh penalties and prison terms meted out over the years. In 2007, these laws went into effect in Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, and Texas. Several other states have followed, with about half the states currently having some form of Romeo and Juliet law. Accidental Sex Offender In Florida, a 28-year-old man who’d been placed on the state’s sex offender registry was able to remove his name after the passage of Florida’s Romeo and Juliet law in July 2007. At age 17, Anthony Croce began having sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend; when he turned 18, the girl’s disapproving mother pressed charges and Croce pleaded no contest. He was then legally compelled to register as a sex offender. Florida’s new law still regards underage sex as a crime, but a judge may now determine whether to strike the sex offender designation from those previously convicted. Cases that may lead to an overturned designation would involve a victim who is age 14–17 and has agreed to consensual sex; the offender would have to be no more than four years older than the victim and have no other sex crimes on their record. Gay Bias in Rulings For teenagers who are gay or lesbian and engage in consensual sex, the laws are much tougher. A 2004 case heard by the Kansas Supreme Court had civil libertarians and gay rights groups protesting the existence of a double standard. Matthew Limon was a mentally disabled 17-year-old when he had consensual sex with a 14-year-old boy. Under the Romeo and Juliet law enacted in Kansas in 1999, Limon would have been sentenced to 15 months in prison if the boy had been a girl. But because the law states that partners must be members of the opposite sex, ​Limon was given a 17-year sentence. California state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced a bill in 2019 to add same-sex relationships to the states Romeo and Juliet law. The law seeks only to bring equality to gay and lesbian offenders and still would bring sex-offender status for adults to have sex with underage teens of the same sex or for a teen to have sex with anyone of the same sex under 14. Papa Dont Preach and Dont Press Charges The Romeo and Juliet laws are frequently enforced unfairly says Mark Chaffin, a researcher with the University of Oklahoma-based National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth. In many cases, they are enforced largely by how angry the parents of the younger party are. 2-Year Difference 10-Year Sentence One well-publicized case demonstrating the need for Romeo and Juliet legislation is that of Genarlow Wilson, a 17-year-old who was imprisoned for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old female. An athlete and honor student, Wilson was videotaped at a New Year’s Eve celebration engaging in oral sex and was sentenced to 10 years for aggravated child molestation. After serving jail time from 2003–07, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that Wilson should be released; and this decision was followed by a change in state law that reduced consensual sex between teenagers to a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of one year. Sources Man shed sex offender status under new Romeo and Juliet law. Associated Press. Aug. 6, 2007.New Laws Take Romeo Into Account https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2007/07/16/new-laws-take-romeo-into-accountReynolds, Dave. Court to Decide on Discriminatory ‘Sodomy’ Law. The New Standard. Sept. 1, 2004.Why Is Gay Underage Sex Criminalized When Straight Sex Is Not? https://www.advocate.com/crime/2019/1/23/why-gay-underage-sex-criminalized-when-straight-sex-not
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Methodology for a sociology class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Methodology for a sociology class - Essay Example Immediately we looked the Mission District which works with a large number of the Latino, Chicano, Central and South American immigrant population. We also looked at the Dolores Street Community Services Center. This center works to provide many homeless people with affordable housing and helps empower some of its low-income residents living in San Francisco. We met Marlon Mendieta, the Housing Program Director of Dolores Street Community Service Center. She gave us a short summary on her center. She explained to us the steps they are taking in order to help underprivileged people in their community. She also provided us with information on how they are trying to create a healthy community where everybody has equal rights regardless of income, immigration or health status. After we spoke with Mrs. Mendieta we went to the womens building where we interviewed Yeni Solis, the Reception Coordinator. She explained the centers mission statement to us and told us that their goal is to empower women and girls in the society by providing them with services and programs to become more self-sufficient. The last stop for our team was The Mission Cultural Center Latino where we met Christina who was originally from Argentina . She told us about her unique experience with the center. She has been taking dancing classes and she told us how she is happy about being more involved with community. All of these centers gave us a more defining picture on the immigrants life in an urban community and a centers role in helping them adjust to life in America. Our group chose to not just browse the internet but to go to these centers and interview the staff and the immigrants. We wanted to have a genuine experience and to see exactly how the immigrants are living and adjusting to life in the Unites
Friday, November 1, 2019
Environmental Pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Environmental Pollution - Research Paper Example Most of the activities done every day are causing pollution. The production of global economic creates pollution globally. Burning of fossil fuels to run factories, power plants and motorized vehicles are contributing to huge amount of environment pollution every day (Danelski, 2006, p. 189). High levels of Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced by motor vehicles and are also major source of nitrogen oxide (NO) and hydrocarbons (HC) which is very harmful for the environment. In my opinion, some excavated interests push hydrogen because it would allow the players (petroleum) who are existing to influence their existing control over fuel. A threat to this is an electric power, since interests that are competing control it already. In the first place, a car using hydrogen fuel cell is an electric. It even has batteries, because the cell for the fuel cannot make the large spikes for the current needed for acceleration and climbing of hills. The difference between a fuel cell EV and a battery EV is that some of the batteries have been replaced with a fuel cell and a big H2 tank. Secondly, hydrogen is not a true fuel; it is a medium of storage for energy, such as battery. There is no free (elemental) source of hydrogen on earth. Hydrogen instead must be separated chemically from water, using electricity typically. In addition, this process is much less efficient than other technologies using battery i.e. the electric car would be propelled nearly twice as far by the same electricity in a battery EV.
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