Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Audit And Compensation Committees Essay - 1366 Words
This paper contributes to the auditing literature by investigating empirically auditors’ responses to overlapping membership on audit and compensation committees (overlapping committees) and the equity holdings by overlapping audit committee members. Boards of directors are at the helm of corporate governance and work through sub-committees (Adams, Hermalin, Weisbach, 2010; Hermalin Weisbach, 1998; Hermalin Weisbach, 2003). Delegating different board functions to distinct committees represents a separation of tasks and functions, and has been strongly recommended as a suitable mechanism for improving corporate governance (Kesner, 1988; Spira Bender, 2004). Two important sub-committees found in modern organisations are the audit and compensation committees. The audit committee is a subcommittee of the board of directors with delegated authority to oversee the auditing and financial reporting-related matters of the firm. The compensation committee, on the other hand, is entr usted with responsibility for setting managerial pay, including an optimal amount of performance-based incentive pay. The question of whether overlapping membership, where at least one audit committee member is also on the compensation committee, is desirable from a governance perspective has received increasing attention from professionals and researchers (Chandar, Chang, Zheng, 2012; Habib Bhuiyan, 2014; KPMG, 2008; Liao Hsu, 2013). The rationale for overlapping membership is based on theShow MoreRelatedIn depth analysis of Financial Statements BP1143 Words  | 5 Pagesaccounting adjustments arising from their audits, any disagreement or difficulties encountered in working with management, and any identified fraud or illegal acts 6.board of directors They delegate authority to certain executives to carry out certain activities – explicitly acquisition, disbursement, mgmt of org funds -must ensure that directors, staff, volunteers comply with the policies – through reports delivered by the executive, board committees and auditors or consultants ResponsibleRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Summary And Introduction1714 Words  | 7 Pagesfinancial reporting, and audit functions. The SEC has worked with NYSE and NASDAQ to harmonize the new Corporate Governance Rules. Throughout the rest of this paper, the more detailed listing requirements of the NYSE and NASDAQ will be discussed. 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The author studies the relationships between the director overlap and financial reporting quality, and for that purpose, analyzes the compensation measurement system and how it tights to performance (p. 183). The researcher also focuses on the impact of audit committee on the reporting and disclosure. The mainRead MoreA Report On Bombardier Canada1132 Words  | 5 Pagesa director since 2005. (Director s Bios - Board of Directors - Bombardier, 2014) Committee Structures The board of directors is separated into different committees as we can see in the table bellow taken from Board Committees and Charters - Bombardier (Board Committees and Charters - Bombardier, 2014) Audit committee The audit committees responsibilities are to help directors reach their responsibilities while taking into account accountability, maintain good communication between BombardierRead MoreApple Corporate Governance899 Words  | 4 Pageswhether or not there is a process to punish the executives for making poor or selfish decisions. Moreover, there is no indication of the independence of the Audit and Compensation committees. This leaves the company exposed to possible conflicts of interest, particularly if an insider such as Mr. Cook has a seat on either of these committees. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Commonly Confused Words Quotation and Quote
In formal English, quotation is a noun (as in a quotation from Shakespeare) and quote is a verb (She likes to quote Shakespeare). However, in everyday speech and informal English, quote is often treated as a shortened form of quotation. Definitions The noun quotation refers to a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker. A direct quotation is a report of the exact words of an author or speaker. Direct quotations are placed inside quotation marks.An indirect quotation is a paraphrase of someone elses words: it reports on what a person said without using his or her exact words. Indirect quotations are not placed inside quotation marks. The verb quote means to repeat a group of words originally written or spoken by another person. In informal speech and writing, quote is sometimes used as a shortened form of the noun quotation. See usage notes below. Examples She remembered a quotation shed read recently, the words of H.L. Mencken: Nothing can come out of an artist that is not in the man.(Hilary Sloin, Art on Fire. Bywater, 2012)Relying on numerous interviews of parents and children with a wide range of skin colors, [Lori] Tharps proves the quotation by the social scientist Frank Sulloway to be painfully true: No social injustice is felt more deeply than that suffered within ones own family.(Allyson Hobbs, Im Not the Nanny: Multiracial Families and Colorism. The New York Times, November 3, 2016)Many times I have wanted to quote Topsy, the young black girl in Uncle Toms Cabin. I have been tempted to say, I dunno. I just growed.(Maya Angelou, Mom Me Mom. Random House, 2013)[V]ery few quotes in newspapers are completely accurate in the sense of being faithful to the false starts and hesitancies of the spoken word.(Ian Jack, Should We Quote Swear Words? Im Not Sure Theyre Absolutely Necessary. The Guardian [UK], September 20, 2013) Usage Notes The noun quote, short for quotation, was first recorded in 1888. ... This sense of quote has met with strong disapproval in some quarters. Such commentators as Bernstein 1965, Follett 1966, Shaw 1977, and Trimmer McCrimmon 1988 have disparaged its use in writing, and the Heritage 1969, 1982 usage panel rejected it by a large majority (the 2000 panel has lightened up). Some other critics, however, have taken a more tolerant view. Harper 1985, for example, accepts its use in writing that has a conversational tone, and Bremner 1980 calls it standard in the publishing business.The noun quote is now widely used in standard if mostly casual writing, ... but there are still times when it seems most appropriate to choose quotation instead. We recommend that you let your own judgment of the writing situation and your sense of idiom be your guide.(Merriam-Websters Concise Dictionary of English Usage, 2002)The problem with quotation is that, to the writer who hopes to deliver goods quickly, th e three syllables sound and read as if they were slowing the sentence down. The single syllable of quote, meanwhile, sounds apt to such a writer. And it sounds more and more natural all the time, as it seems to predominate in spoken English. So although it remains informal for now, its gaining ground in formal prose.(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern English Usage, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2016) Practice (a) Melinda begins each of her essays with a familiar ______.(b) When he cant think of an answer, Gus likes to _____ a song lyric. Answers to Practice (a) Melinda begins each of her essays with a familiar quotation.(b) When he cant think of an answer, Gus likes to quote a song lyric.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Immunology Free Essays
Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY COURSE †¢ Subject Agenda* Theoretical part (Lecture): 14. 01â€â€-18. 03â€â€-22. We will write a custom essay sample on Immunology or any similar topic only for you Order Now 04. 2013 Practical part (Labwork) †¢ Study Materials: Textbook (David Male and Ivan Roitt-2006-DIR; Abul Abbas-2007AA), Clips and Internet search †¢ Classconversation@gmail. com. Pass: btiu12345 †¢ Evaluation – Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Labwork – Assignment (Home-work, Topic-oriented-In-class discussion, Readand-Present Practice) Contact me at: R501, IU Building; or via email: ntthoai@hcmiu. edu. vn NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY- An X soup What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? †¢ History of Immunology †¢ Cells and Soluble Mediators of IS= ? †¢ Immune Response- Pathogens (Ags): Innate and Adaptive Immunity- Collaboration NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? Immunology is the study of our protection from foreign macromolecules or invading organisms and our responses to them. Foreign macromolecule/ Antigen – Immunogen: e. g. virus protein, worm, parasite Everything that should not be in my body Immune System: Molecules, cells, tissues and organs which provide nonspecific and specific protection against Microorganisms; Microbial toxins and Tumor cells Crucial to human survival NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 History of Immunology †¢ Experiential Immunology period †¢ Experimental Immunology period †¢ Modern Immunology period Immunology act as an independent subject (1970s) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 I. Experiential Immunology period (the 17th century- the middle of 19th century) In ancient times, many serious infection diseases, such as smallpox, plague and cholera etc, caused innumerable people dead. Plague !!!  Black Death Disease NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Story of Plague port of Weymouth. The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350, and killing between 75 million and 200 million people Wikipedia Yersinia pestis NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Figure 1. Photomicrographs demonstrating the high bacterial burden of Y pestis in various organs. Top left, A: Tissue Gram stain of a lymph node reveals the profusion of neutrophils and large clumps of Gram-negative coccobacilli characteristic of Y pestis (Brown-Hopps, original ? 00). Large clusters of bacteria (arrows) are found in the alveolar spaces (top right, B), adrenals (bottom left, C), and kidneys (bottom right, D) [hematoxylin-eosin, original ? 400]. Chmura et al. 2003, CHEST, Painful Lymphadenopathy and Fulminant Sepsis in a Previously Healthy 16-Year-Old Girl NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 ~ 430 B. C: Peloponesian War, Thucydides describes plague – the ones who had recovered from the disease could nurse the sick without getting the disease a second time NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 In 1670, Chinese medical practitioners : variolation Edward Jennar â€â€-An English physician He discovered that cowpox vaccination protected against smallpox in 1796 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Vaccine- Vaccination Vaccine: A preparation of microbial antigen, often combined with adjuvants,that is administered to individuals to induce protective immunity against microbial infections. Vaccination: A general term for immunization against infectious diseases,orginally derived from immunization against smallpox which uses the Vaccinia virus. NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Why do they not want to play with my kids? NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 II. Experimental Immunology period (the middle of 19th century-the middle of 20th century) 1. Active immunity In the middle of 19th century R. Koch â€â€-Isolated and cultured bacteria successfully Pasteur â€â€-Infectious diseases were caused by pathogens In 1880, Pasteur â€â€-Anti-cholera live-attenuated vaccine (old culture of Chicken V. cholera) â€â€-Artificial active immunity Robert Koch Active immunity: The form of adaptive immunity that is induced by exposure to a foreign antigen and in which the immunized individual plays an active role in responding to the antigen. Louis Pasteur(1822-1895) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 . Passive immunity In the late eighties of 19th century Roux and Yersin: Diphtheria was caused by exotoxin produced by C. diphtheriae The discovery of diphtheriae antitoxin and bactericindins Antitoxinâ€â€-Antibody (Ab); Exotoxinâ€â€-Antigen (Ag) Study on reaction of Ag and Ab in vitro â€â€-Serology In 1890,Von Behring and Kitasato â€â€-dipht heriae antitoxin was applied in treatment of Diphtheria â€â€- Artificial passive immunity Passive immunity: The form of immunity to an antigen that is established in one individual by transfer of antibody or lymphocytes from another individual who is immune to that antigen. NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 3. Mechanism of protective immunity Cell mediated immunity(CMI) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ1883-1884, Metchnikoff: Microorganisms were engulfed and destroyed by phagocytic cells Humoral immunity(HI) â€â€-1897,Ehrlich: Ab in serum played important roles in protective immunity Both HI and CMI were very important for protective immunity, Ab in serum could promote the phagocytosis of phagocytic cells â€â€- 1903, Wright Douglas 4. Study on immune-pathology immune disease In 1902, Richet and Portierâ€â€-Anaphylaxis Pirquet and Shickâ€â€-Hypersensitivity In 1903, Arthusâ€â€-Arthus phenomenon In 1906, Pirquet â€â€- Allergy In 1907, Donath and Landsteiner â€â€-Autoantibody cause autoimmune disease NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 5. Study on antigen In the early of 20th century, Landsteiner studied on antigenic determinant (epitope) â€â€-ABO blood type 6. Study on immunochemistry In 1938,Tiselius and Kabat â€â€-Ab is ? globulin In the fifties of 20th century, Porter and Edelmen, â€â€-Molecular structure of Ab: 4 peptides 7. Study on immune tolerance: No positive response to specific Ag In 1945, Oven found natural immune tolerance In 1953, Medawar set up animal model of acquired immune tolerance in newborn period. . Hypothesis for Ab formation Templates postulate (1930,Breinl and Haurowitz) Variable folding postulate (1940,Pauling) Natural selection postulate (1955,Jerne) Clonal selection theory (1959, Burnet):- Clone: a group cells that stem from identical cell NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 III. Modern Immunology period (the middle of 20th century-the 21th century) 1. Study on immune system In 1957, Glick Fabricius found out that Chicken without bursa can not produce Ab â€â€-B cell In 1961,Good and Miller â€â€- Cell mediated immune of new born mice whose thymus were taken away are defective â€â€-T cell 2. Study on monoclonal antibody â€â€-In 1975, Kohler and Milstein 3. Study on immune genetics â€â€-In 1978, genetic control of antibody diversity â€â€-Discovery of accurate mechanism of immune response on gene level (MHC, TCR , BCR) 4. Study on molecular mechanism of T/B lymphocyte activation and signal transduction 5. Study on effective mechanism of immune cells NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 6. Study on clinical immunology Organ transplantation; Autoimmune disease; Tumor immunology; Infectious diseases 7. Study on applied immunology Preparation of monoclonal antibody and genetic engineering antibody; Preparation of recombinant cytokines; Study on DNA vaccine; Study on treatment with immune cells 8. New techniques of modern immunology and application Separation of immune cells; Protein analysis technique; Phage display technique; Preparation of new animal model NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 The immune system Immune system Innate (non-specific) immunity Adaptive (specific) immunity Anatomic barriers (Skin,mucous membranes) †¢Physological barriers (temperature, pH) †¢Phagocytic Barriers (cells that eat invaders) †¢Inflammatory barriers (redness, swelling, heat and pain) †¢Antigen specificity †¢Diversity †¢Immunological memory †¢Self/nonself recognition NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Our immune systems generate an almost infinite variety of cells and substances Foreign Recognition Memory Upon 2 ° exposure produces enhanced re sponse Effector Response To eliminate or neutralize particle *In some cases, the IR fails to function; at other times, the IR can turn on its host NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Humoral and cellular immunity (antibody mediated or cellular) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 B cells Surface bound antibody Antibody secreting B cell Antigen B-cell Soluble antibodies, circculate in the body NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Antibody secreting B cell B-cell Virus killed NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Discussion Topics 1. Why do warm-blooded, long-lived animals require particularly complex immune defense? – p4-DIR 2. Why would removal of Ag lead to the decline in an immune response? – p14-DIR And many more to explore in the DIR textbook Home works P18-DIR NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 The real ones Crawling Macrophage Neutrophil and DCs NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY- An X soup †¢ What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? †¢ History of Immunology †¢ Cells and Soluble Mediators of IS= ? †¢ Immune Respone- Pathogens (Ags): Innate and Adaptive Immunity- Collaboration Read DIR-page 1-18 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Once upon a time†¦ There was a WARGAMES OF THRONES- MATTER OF â€Å"LIVE OR DIE†HAS IT ALREADY ENDED? NO, IT IS JUST A BEGINNING†¦ NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 How to cite Immunology, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Boys And Girls Essay Example For Students
Boys And Girls Essay A Comprehensive Summary ofAlice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†is a story about a girl that struggles against society’s ideas of how a girl should be, only to find her trapped in the ways of the world. The story starts out on a farm in the 1940’s. The narrator is a woman who is telling the first person point of view of when she was a girl. The girl’s father was a fox farmer. He was a hard working, quiet man and the girl really respected him. Every winter the father killed the foxes that he raised and sold their pelts. The girl loved this time and found it seasonal, although her mother despised it. In the beginning the girl is about nine years old. She had a younger brother named Laird with whom she shared a bedroom. At night when they would go to bed they would get scared and try to distract themselves by singing. After Laird would go to sleep the girl stayed up and told herself stories. In these stories she was a great hero. She was courageous and bold and she accomplished great feats to rescue others. Everyone adored her for being heroic. The stories always involved her riding and shooting though she couldn’t ride a horse or shoot a gun. The girl took great pride in the fact that she helped her father with the chores on the farm. Her main chore was to water the foxes. Laird would help with a small watering can though he would usually spill most of his water. The girl would also help her father when he would cut the long grass around the fox pens. He would cut it and she would rake it up. He would then throw the grass on top of the pens to keep the sun off of the foxes . The entire fox pen was well thought out and well made. The foxes were fed horsemeat, which could be bought very cheap. When a farmer had a dying horse her father would pay for the horse and slaughter it. Her father was very ingenious with his fox farm and the girl was obviously impressed. She was proud to work with her father. One time while her father was talking to a salesman he said, â€Å"Like you to meet my new hired man.†That comment made her so happy, only to have the salesman reply that he thought it was only a girl. While the girl loved the work outside she hated to do the ‘woman’s work’ inside. She disliked her mother for making her do it, and believed that her mother only made her do it because she didn’t like it. She didn’t like anything about this work. She hated the hot dark kitchen, and thought that work was endless, depressing and unimportant as compared to the work she did for her father. She would do a chore for her mother and then run off before she could tell her anything else to do. She had a very low opinion about anything to do with mother. The only thing the mother had to talk about were things that were unimportant to the girl, like dresses and old boyfriends. She thought that her mother was undependable, easily fooled, conniving and ignorant about the way things really were. This opinion was very much different than that she had of her father. The girl began feeling like she was being attacked. Like everyone was out to make her a ‘girl’. When her grandmother came to town she was bombarded with comments like, â€Å"Girls don’t slam doors like that.†and â€Å"Girls keep their knees together when they sit down.†The worst was when she would ask a question and the grandmother would reply â€Å"That’s none of a girl’s business.†The girl rebelled against comments like these and continued to slam doors and sit awkwardly. By this time things were changing. Farmers were buying tractors and it became harder to find horses. The family would sometimes get healthy horses that no longer had any use. They would keep these horses all winter long. One winter when she was eleven years old they had two horses, Mack and Flora. Mack was an old workhorse slow and easy to handle. Flora was a sorrel mare who was violent and reckless. The following spring Mack was to be slaughtered. Henry, w ho was a hired man on the farm, led Mack out of the stable. While this was going on the girl took Laird up into the barn so that they could watch them shoot the horse. When the horse was shot it didn’t die instantly but instead he fell over and kicked his legs for a few seconds, which caused Henry to laugh. After he died the men examined the horse in a very practiced and businesslike way. The girl felt very uneasy about the death. She then became scared that she would get into trouble for showing Laird the killing so she took him to a movie to help him forget it. .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .postImageUrl , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:hover , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:visited , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:active { border:0!important; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:active , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Bomb That Saved Millions EssayChanges on the farm weren’t the only changes going on. Laird was becoming stronger than she was. She began fixing up her side of the room with lace. She had a dressing table, and she was planning to put a barricade in between her bed and Laird’s. At night she wasn’t scared anymore and she stopped singing. Her stories that she told herself were changing. She was now the one being rescued by boys and men. She began to worry more about what she was wearing and what her hair looked like. Two weeks after Mack was slaughtered it was time for Flora to be killed. This time she didn’t think about watching. She even felt somewhat ashamed, and her attitude to her father and his work began to change. So while the killing was underway her and her brother were picking up sticks to make a teepee out of. Suddenly there was a lot of commotion and Flora was running free. Her father told her to shut the gate. She ran to the gate and just had just enough time to close it. Instead of closing the gate she opened it wide and let the horse run free. Laird got there just in time to see her do it. When her father and Henry showed up they thought that she didn’t get there in time. They simply got the gun and the knives they used and jumped in the truck. On the way out they stopped and picked up Laird who was begging to go. Even though the girl thought that she would be in trouble for letting the horse out she did not regret it, even though she wasn’t sure why she had done it. After everyone arrived back home they had dinner. Laird was excited and showed off the blood that he had on his arm from the horse. During dinner Laird told everyone how she had let the horse out of the gate. She began crying and her father said, â€Å"Never mind, she’s only a girl.†Finally she didn’t protest it and thought that maybe it was true. Book Reports
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