Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Office administration SBA Essay Essay Example
Office organization SBA Essay Example Office organization SBA Essay Office organization SBA Essay Articulation of TopicTo discover the obligations and obligations of the Administrative Assistant at The Cable Department. AimThe points of this endeavor are:To investigate the obligations and obligations of the authoritative aide To discover the significance of the Administrative Assistant to the association. Elements of the Cable DepartmentAt The Cable Department. the maps of an Administrative Assistant areto brand and common assignments for the benefit of an official and to perceive the customer or conceivable concern individual in the most pleasant way. Abbott Village.West Farm.St Kitts. 17 October. 2012 Ms Judith HewletThe Administrative Assistant.The Cable Department.Church Street.Basseterre. Dear Ms Hewlet.I am a fifth signifier understudy of the Verchilds High school. While trying to complete my School Based Assessment. I am creating this note looking for authorization to carry on a meeting with you furthermore to mention some objective facts of the Administrative Assistant. I would wish to occur out the duties of the secretary and how their work benefits the worry. I trust that you would permit me authorization to hold this meeting. I would be profoundly appreciative as this would do it simpler for me to complete my Office Administration School Based Assessment Project. Thankss in progress for your participation. Yours unfeignedly. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Tashaun Greene MethodologyThe instrument that the examination laborer used to accumulate the informationwas a meeting. The exploration laborer met the Administrative Assistant on the 21st of October. 2013 and recorded reactions during the treatment. This instrument is utilized by inquisitive a Ms. Hewlet in that specific concern topographic point requests whether up close and personal or over the telephonewhich is applicable to the worry to earn data. This instrument was picked over others since more requests can be asked and the exploration specialist may obtain a superior dread of the data. In add-on. the questioner can answer requests that were non unmistakably comprehended by the respondent. this way is considerably more viable and quicker in footings of gaining the data. Five of import inquiries1. What hardware do you use to complete your work?2. What are the duties in the concern?3. What are the paperss utilized in the concern?4. What are the rule laws that oversee the concern?5. Are at that place any health and security guidelines? Plan of Activity DateActivityRemarks13/9/12The rules for the SBA was given to the exploration laborer from the teacher The educator clarified everything that ought to or ought to non be done in the SBA14/9/12The examination specialist began research on the initial six endeavors of the endeavor A past student revised the endeavor and set a couple alterations19/9/12I talked with the secretary to look for her consent about the meeting The secretary was satisfied to answer and said yes23/9/12The SBA was sent back to the exploration laborer in an electronic mailThe educator adjusted the undertaking14/12/12The examination specialist was on occupation affectionate respect to secure farther data about the endeavor It was a triumph and all the data required was cod 21/12/12The meeting was conductedIt was successful8/1/13The educator accumulated with understudies to ask about the occupation experience The students reacted great. it profited the majority of them 21/1/13The SBA was sent to the instructorTeacher made a few lodging to the SBA22/2/13The SBA was sent back to the examination laborer to be correctedThe research specialist sent back the amendment to the teacher Rules and Regulations Enactment One rule law that oversees the work topographic point that the exploration laborer must be mindful of is classification. this just implies whatever data is in the worry topographic point it ought to stay at that spot and shouldn’t be talk about among your equivalents. relations or companions and so forth. The data ought to stay private. In any case. the exploration laborer got conscious of this rule law by the individuals on staff. Wellbeing AND SAFETY One health and wellbeing design while shipping out this exploration undertaking dependent on the work environment is the imprint which peruses â€Å"wet floor†. This imprint keeps individuals from obtaining hurt by permitting them realize that threat can be before them. STAFF RULE One staff guideline which the exploration specialist needed to follow with while shipping out the endeavor is that there ought to be no utilization of mobile phones while working. This is so on the grounds that it might be an interruption or it might create battle between the customers and the staff part. Report The points of the endeavor are to investigate the obligations and obligations of the secretary and to discover the significance of the Administrative Assistant are to keep acceptable working conditions and to use the fundamental bundle applications. Business Form DateName OF DOCUMENTPURPOSE OF DOCUMENT19/12/12Internet User AgreementThe goal of this papers is to ensure that the customers consent to gain the internet administration and they will make whatever is required to get the administration. 21/12/12The Cable FormThe plan of this signifier is for the customers to make full out to clear up whether they need to reconnect. inlet. climb or downsize their administration. Cancelation FormThe aim of this signifier to cancel the full abroad message administration. OFFICE EQUIPMENT DateEquipmentPurpose OF EQUIPMENTSUITABILITY FOR TASKS27/12/12Photograph Copying MachineThe goal of this gear is to duplicate the customer’s ID and whatever other papers that is at that place for pertinent proof It is fit to clear up whether the individual is who they state they are 28/12/12 Money RegisterThe aim of this gear is for the customers to pay their measure where they owe or to do certain minutess It is fit since this is the head thing that the customers come into the worry to make and it will be benefitting the worry since they will secure cash 30/12/12 PrinterThe plan of this hardware is to keep up a troublesome transcript of the of import data or data pertinent to the worry It is fit to distribute material so there would be a troublesome transcript so they will be conveyed to shoppers. for representation letters List of sources Individual listed:21 December 2012. Basseterre. Work Secretariat Administrative Assistant Distribution ListS Finisterre. L Payne A ; J Reid ( 2004 ) Longman Office Administration for CXC Reference section Five of import requests 1. What is the hardware utilized in the concern?2. What are the duties of the concern?3. What are the paperss utilized in the concern?4. What are the paperss utilized for in the concern?5. What are the resolution laws that administer the concern?6. Are at that place sound and security regulations?7. Is the worry an effective one?8. What are the advantages of the concern?9. Are at that place any staff guidelines?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Leadership Challenges of James Riadyâ€Free Samples For Students
Question: What Is the Leadership Challenges of James Riady? Answer: Presentation A few powers challenge administration at the various stages throughout everyday life; be that as it may, genuine pioneers discover out of those emergency. On an equivalent note, this task is about a pioneer Mr. James Riady who is the director of the Lippo Group in Indonesia. The fundamental reason for this task is to assess the administration quality in Mr. Riady dependent on some initiative characteristics, for example, Moral and Transformational authority. Administration can be alluded to an assortment of a few attributes, which elevates the standard of an individual by upgrading the virtues and the dispersing the profoundly gainful qualities for the general public (Chemers, 2014). In the given contextual analysis, James Riady is a case of such pioneers, which is the self-control of a few attributes, which has affected the general public and the nation too. Mr. Riady is the director of the Lippo Group of Indonesia who is taking care of the activities in the Indonesia and outside of the nation. The Lippo Group is associated with a few business spaces, for example, money related administrations, retail tasks, land business and so forth. Mr. Riady is a piece of a profoundly effective gathering. By and by, Mr. Riady has profoundly contributed in the achievement of the gathering. Regardless of all the true things, the pioneer has been reprimanded for a portion of his works (Ciulla, 2014). The greatest analysis, which the pioneer has pulled in, happened in the year 2001. Mr. Riady was blamed for being associated with certain sorts of political injury when the pioneer was together accused for duping the United States of America. The pioneer was charged for offering supports to the Bill Clinton and different democrats. The political injury attracted a profoundly raised punishment of $8.6 million. This was by a wide margin the greatest fine, which the political injury attracted throughout the entire existence of the United States. Mr. Riady was profoundly censured for including into such injury, which at that point in the end caused the pioneer to understand that the political injury and the business can never blend (Daft, 2014). The initiative of Mr. Riady is an assortment of a few attributes, for example, dynamic, transformational, situational. In any case, the qualities of Mr. Riady are absent on the ethical quality. The trait of the pioneer is profoundly indecent, which is evident in its contribution in such a major embarrassment. Notwithstanding, Mr. Riady is profoundly safeguard and the student of circumstance. This is a lot of reflected in his choice to correct his practices and to turn into a decent pioneer. The change from a pioneer to an unethical pioneer and afterward again changing go into a perfect chief basically tells the excursion of a transformational pioneer. The authority style of Mr. Riady is brimming with qualities, for example, dynamism, absorbance, changing and situational. In spite of all the analysis, which has kept encompassing the life of the pioneer, Mr. Riady is as yet regarded broadly as an amazing pioneer, which contributed exceptionally in the lifting economy of Indonesia (Hack man Johnson, 2013). Mr. Riady is profoundly acclaimed pioneer for its exclusive expectation works, which likewise got huge acknowledgment to the Lippo Group. The exceptionally captivating nature of the Mr. Riady has acquired a lot of achievement not exclusively to the Lippo Group yet in addition to the economy of Indonesia. The after snapshot of the political injury, which had pulled in mass analysis to the pioneer, Mr. Riady perceived the essentials of initiative. This was the one explanation at that point, which affected Mr. Riady most and supported him for a change (Hargreaves Fink, 2012). All things considered, Mr. Riady had recognized that the genuine character of a pioneer is in the esteem from all side of the world. The genuine character of a pioneer propels that person for the social prosperity separated from working together too. The significant asset behind the force and the affecting character of Mr. Riady is its sheer initiative style, which is conceived in him by ideals of the hereditary co mponents (Nahavandi, 2016). The administration quality is acquired in Mr. Riady from his dad Mochtar Riady. This was his institutional considerations, which empowered Mr. Riady for a perfect administration trademark. By and by, the determined nature of authority in him helped Mr. Riady understand the virtues of the administration. This is a result of the way that Mr. Riady tried to change his whole reasoning and changing into the ethical attributes of a pioneer. This is the reason Mr. Riady concentrated then exceptionally on the social prosperity. The extraordinary authority style is reflected in its astounding endeavors, which reflected in the quick development of the Lippo Group (Northouse, 2012). The organization has a notoriety to have the most significant level of virtues, which additionally empowered Mr. Riady for a less beneficial business and a profoundly socially situated reasoning. The organization is occupied with a few instructive crusades in and outside of Indonesia. By and by, the profoundly viable pundits of Mr. Riady did likewise toss an assortment of recognition from the pundits. The pundits had scrutinized the virtues of Mr. Riady previously however now they are dropping the stack of gestures of recognition for the pioneer. The social prosperity is a lot of evident in the operational style of Mr. Riady (Tannenbaum, Weschler Massarik, 2013). James Riady is generally a transformational pioneer, which has the force and the impact behind him, which energizes Mr. Riady for the change into an ethical character (Northouse, 2012). The association of the pioneer in the political injury that happened with the assistance of Mr. Clinton and different democrats is a strange case of an improper initiative. In any case, the force and the impact of his precursors and his dad who is the CEO of the organization behind him have all in all helped Mr. Riady defeat of the indecent trademark. A portion of the instances of his changed attributes do very well help the point that the authority style of Mr. Riady is a greater amount of Transformational. The political injury, which pulled in the most elevated ever punishment in the political history of the United States could have pulverized the ethical quality of James Riady. Notwithstanding, in spite of losing certainty, Mr. Riady reestablished himself for the change into such an administration style, which could be respected and recognized all around (Nahavandi, 2016). Be that as it may, Mr. Riady needs to battle hard to keep up its notoriety. Notwithstanding of colossal social government assistance and the mechanical achievement, James Riady has seen a few reactions for his administration style. James Riady is notable for a fiery and dynamic sort of pioneer, which never wavered of going for certain tests (Chemers, 2014). This isn't at all a little sort of progress that a pioneer can select. A little change is very conceivable however a whole change of the administration style is a lot of various. This is for sure extremely hard to change the whole character. The change happened simply after the political injury. Instances of such pioneers who have changed them totally into some socially recognized authority is extremely uncommon. This is a direct result of such explanation just that Mr. Riady is increasingly a transformational pioneer. The person who used to be associate d with the political injury in the US, he in the long run changed its qualities into increasingly complex and socially acknowledged character. The profoundly effective business of the organization and the similarly acts of kindness for the social causes has raised the initiative nature of James Riady. The pundits have likewise applauded the social prosperity of the initiative style of James Riady. A consistent spotlight on the instruction in and abroad the nations have pulled in a stack of gratefulness for the Lippo Group (Northouse, 2012). The Lippo Group is exceptionally effective organization in Indonesia. The Group is profoundly known for social works. End Mr. James Riady was at first less in moral qualities as it is clear in the political embarrassment in America. The political embarrassment in this manner pulled in the most noteworthy ever punishment throughout the entire existence of the legislative issues of the America. The specific embarrassment was a shameless initiative; be that as it may, not long after the episode, James Riady understood that governmental issues and business are both the various things. Mr. Riady changed himself to turn into a decent pioneer. The adjustment in administration brought some profoundly acclaimed social works, for example, improvement of instruction, supporting major instructive occasions and turning into a less benefit arranged and exceptionally socially slanted towards various exercises. In spite of all the benevolent acts, which James Riady did bring after its rebirth, he was each time reprimanded for some different works. By the by, James Riady is a fruitful specialist and a pioneer, which has improved the economy of Indonesia. In spite of all the analysis, the administration style of James Riady is profoundly acclaimed over the globe. References Chemers, M. (2014).An integrative hypothesis of administration. Brain science Press. Ciulla, J. B. (Ed.). (2014).Ethics, the core of administration. ABC-CLIO. Foolish, R. L. (2014).The initiative experience. Cengage Learning. Hackman, M. Z., Johnson, C. E. (2013).Leadership: A correspondence point of view. Waveland Press. Hargreaves, A., Fink, D. (2012).Sustainable leadership(Vol. 6). John Wiley Sons. Nahavandi, A. (2016).The Art and Science of Leadership - Global Edition. Pearson. Northouse, P. G. (2012).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage. Tannenbaum, R., Weschler, I., Massarik, F. (2013).Leadership and association. Routledge.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Steps for Successful Problem-Solving With PTSD
Steps for Successful Problem-Solving With PTSD PTSD Coping Print Steps for Successful Problem-Solving With PTSD By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 19, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children PeopleImages / Getty Images The symptoms of PTSD can greatly interfere with many aspects of a persons life, and as a result, a person with PTSD may need to engage in a good amount of problem-solving throughout their daily life. When people are faced with problems, they may begin to feel overwhelmed or experience worry about the future. They may feel stuck and not know where to begin in addressing the problem. These experiences may be worse for someone with PTSD who already may be experiencing a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. Problem-solving is a basic coping strategy. When done correctly, it can help someone experience a greater sense of control and predictability with regard to a problem. As a result, stress and anxiety may be reduced. There are five steps to problem-solving. Problem-solving is a structured approach to addressing a problem and can lead you to the best solution to a problem. Effective Problem-Solving Steps With PTSD To address a problem, it is very important to follow the below steps. Identify the Problem: The first step in solving a problem is to recognize what the problem is. This might sound like common sense; however, this is a very important step. Try to describe the problem as objectively as possible, as opposed to focusing on the potential consequences or implications of the problem. This can give you a better sense of what you are specifically dealing with.Define and Analyze the Problem: In this step, you will want to figure out what caused the problem, what the problem looks like at this moment and the urgency of addressing the problem. In this step, you want to also learn as much as you can about the problem. Be flexible in your approach. Do research on the problem. Look at the problem from a different perspective. Evaluate all of the different ways in which the problem could impact you.Generate Potential Solutions: Here you want to brainstorm and come up with as many solutions as you possibly can for the problem. Be creative and dont concern yourself at this point with how feasible the solutions may be. You want a number of different options to choose from. This process of generating solutions can also help you look at the problem from multiple perspectives. Keep in mind that it may be impossible to address all areas of a problem. When this is the case, break the problem down and try to generate solutions for parts of the problem (as opposed to the problem as a whole). It may be necessary to seek out help with this part of solving a problem.Decision-Making: In this step, you want to evaluate the solutions you came up with in step 3. Weigh the short- and long-term pros and cons of each solution. In addition, in this step, you want to start to evaluate how feasible each solution is. That is, how easily can you implement the solution to the problem?Implement a Solution and Evaluate its Success: In this final step, you want to choose a solution and implement it. Take action. In choosing a solution, you want to weigh the pros and cons of each potential solution, and it is generally a good idea to start out with a solution that is associated with low risk and that is compatible with your priorities and future goals. Once you have implemented a solution, evaluate how it was and was not successful. If the solution did not completely address the problem, you can then move back through some of the different stages to address other areas of the problem. Combining Strategies Problem-solving is a basic coping strategy that can be very effective in managing different sources of stress. As with any coping strategy, it may be important to combine it with other coping strategies, such as anxiety reduction techniques or skills for setting and managing goals. By taking the above steps, you may be able to reduce your level of stress and maximize your effort in addressing problems in your life. As with any coping strategy, it is best to practice this skill first with a very basic or non-threatening problem. This way you can get comfortable with the steps before you use them with more complex problems.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Audit And Compensation Committees Essay - 1366 Words
This paper contributes to the auditing literature by investigating empirically auditors’ responses to overlapping membership on audit and compensation committees (overlapping committees) and the equity holdings by overlapping audit committee members. Boards of directors are at the helm of corporate governance and work through sub-committees (Adams, Hermalin, Weisbach, 2010; Hermalin Weisbach, 1998; Hermalin Weisbach, 2003). Delegating different board functions to distinct committees represents a separation of tasks and functions, and has been strongly recommended as a suitable mechanism for improving corporate governance (Kesner, 1988; Spira Bender, 2004). Two important sub-committees found in modern organisations are the audit and compensation committees. The audit committee is a subcommittee of the board of directors with delegated authority to oversee the auditing and financial reporting-related matters of the firm. The compensation committee, on the other hand, is entr usted with responsibility for setting managerial pay, including an optimal amount of performance-based incentive pay. The question of whether overlapping membership, where at least one audit committee member is also on the compensation committee, is desirable from a governance perspective has received increasing attention from professionals and researchers (Chandar, Chang, Zheng, 2012; Habib Bhuiyan, 2014; KPMG, 2008; Liao Hsu, 2013). The rationale for overlapping membership is based on theShow MoreRelatedIn depth analysis of Financial Statements BP1143 Words  | 5 Pagesaccounting adjustments arising from their audits, any disagreement or difficulties encountered in working with management, and any identified fraud or illegal acts 6.board of directors They delegate authority to certain executives to carry out certain activities – explicitly acquisition, disbursement, mgmt of org funds -must ensure that directors, staff, volunteers comply with the policies – through reports delivered by the executive, board committees and auditors or consultants ResponsibleRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Summary And Introduction1714 Words  | 7 Pagesfinancial reporting, and audit functions. The SEC has worked with NYSE and NASDAQ to harmonize the new Corporate Governance Rules. Throughout the rest of this paper, the more detailed listing requirements of the NYSE and NASDAQ will be discussed. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Commonly Confused Words Quotation and Quote
In formal English, quotation is a noun (as in a quotation from Shakespeare) and quote is a verb (She likes to quote Shakespeare). However, in everyday speech and informal English, quote is often treated as a shortened form of quotation. Definitions The noun quotation refers to a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker. A direct quotation is a report of the exact words of an author or speaker. Direct quotations are placed inside quotation marks.An indirect quotation is a paraphrase of someone elses words: it reports on what a person said without using his or her exact words. Indirect quotations are not placed inside quotation marks. The verb quote means to repeat a group of words originally written or spoken by another person. In informal speech and writing, quote is sometimes used as a shortened form of the noun quotation. See usage notes below. Examples She remembered a quotation shed read recently, the words of H.L. Mencken: Nothing can come out of an artist that is not in the man.(Hilary Sloin, Art on Fire. Bywater, 2012)Relying on numerous interviews of parents and children with a wide range of skin colors, [Lori] Tharps proves the quotation by the social scientist Frank Sulloway to be painfully true: No social injustice is felt more deeply than that suffered within ones own family.(Allyson Hobbs, Im Not the Nanny: Multiracial Families and Colorism. The New York Times, November 3, 2016)Many times I have wanted to quote Topsy, the young black girl in Uncle Toms Cabin. I have been tempted to say, I dunno. I just growed.(Maya Angelou, Mom Me Mom. Random House, 2013)[V]ery few quotes in newspapers are completely accurate in the sense of being faithful to the false starts and hesitancies of the spoken word.(Ian Jack, Should We Quote Swear Words? Im Not Sure Theyre Absolutely Necessary. The Guardian [UK], September 20, 2013) Usage Notes The noun quote, short for quotation, was first recorded in 1888. ... This sense of quote has met with strong disapproval in some quarters. Such commentators as Bernstein 1965, Follett 1966, Shaw 1977, and Trimmer McCrimmon 1988 have disparaged its use in writing, and the Heritage 1969, 1982 usage panel rejected it by a large majority (the 2000 panel has lightened up). Some other critics, however, have taken a more tolerant view. Harper 1985, for example, accepts its use in writing that has a conversational tone, and Bremner 1980 calls it standard in the publishing business.The noun quote is now widely used in standard if mostly casual writing, ... but there are still times when it seems most appropriate to choose quotation instead. We recommend that you let your own judgment of the writing situation and your sense of idiom be your guide.(Merriam-Websters Concise Dictionary of English Usage, 2002)The problem with quotation is that, to the writer who hopes to deliver goods quickly, th e three syllables sound and read as if they were slowing the sentence down. The single syllable of quote, meanwhile, sounds apt to such a writer. And it sounds more and more natural all the time, as it seems to predominate in spoken English. So although it remains informal for now, its gaining ground in formal prose.(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern English Usage, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2016) Practice (a) Melinda begins each of her essays with a familiar ______.(b) When he cant think of an answer, Gus likes to _____ a song lyric. Answers to Practice (a) Melinda begins each of her essays with a familiar quotation.(b) When he cant think of an answer, Gus likes to quote a song lyric.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Immunology Free Essays
Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY COURSE †¢ Subject Agenda* Theoretical part (Lecture): 14. 01â€â€-18. 03â€â€-22. We will write a custom essay sample on Immunology or any similar topic only for you Order Now 04. 2013 Practical part (Labwork) †¢ Study Materials: Textbook (David Male and Ivan Roitt-2006-DIR; Abul Abbas-2007AA), Clips and Internet search †¢ Classconversation@gmail. com. Pass: btiu12345 †¢ Evaluation – Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Labwork – Assignment (Home-work, Topic-oriented-In-class discussion, Readand-Present Practice) Contact me at: R501, IU Building; or via email: ntthoai@hcmiu. edu. vn NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY- An X soup What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? †¢ History of Immunology †¢ Cells and Soluble Mediators of IS= ? †¢ Immune Response- Pathogens (Ags): Innate and Adaptive Immunity- Collaboration NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? Immunology is the study of our protection from foreign macromolecules or invading organisms and our responses to them. Foreign macromolecule/ Antigen – Immunogen: e. g. virus protein, worm, parasite Everything that should not be in my body Immune System: Molecules, cells, tissues and organs which provide nonspecific and specific protection against Microorganisms; Microbial toxins and Tumor cells Crucial to human survival NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 History of Immunology †¢ Experiential Immunology period †¢ Experimental Immunology period †¢ Modern Immunology period Immunology act as an independent subject (1970s) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 I. Experiential Immunology period (the 17th century- the middle of 19th century) In ancient times, many serious infection diseases, such as smallpox, plague and cholera etc, caused innumerable people dead. Plague !!!  Black Death Disease NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Story of Plague port of Weymouth. The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350, and killing between 75 million and 200 million people Wikipedia Yersinia pestis NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Figure 1. Photomicrographs demonstrating the high bacterial burden of Y pestis in various organs. Top left, A: Tissue Gram stain of a lymph node reveals the profusion of neutrophils and large clumps of Gram-negative coccobacilli characteristic of Y pestis (Brown-Hopps, original ? 00). Large clusters of bacteria (arrows) are found in the alveolar spaces (top right, B), adrenals (bottom left, C), and kidneys (bottom right, D) [hematoxylin-eosin, original ? 400]. Chmura et al. 2003, CHEST, Painful Lymphadenopathy and Fulminant Sepsis in a Previously Healthy 16-Year-Old Girl NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 ~ 430 B. C: Peloponesian War, Thucydides describes plague – the ones who had recovered from the disease could nurse the sick without getting the disease a second time NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 In 1670, Chinese medical practitioners : variolation Edward Jennar â€â€-An English physician He discovered that cowpox vaccination protected against smallpox in 1796 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Vaccine- Vaccination Vaccine: A preparation of microbial antigen, often combined with adjuvants,that is administered to individuals to induce protective immunity against microbial infections. Vaccination: A general term for immunization against infectious diseases,orginally derived from immunization against smallpox which uses the Vaccinia virus. NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Why do they not want to play with my kids? NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 II. Experimental Immunology period (the middle of 19th century-the middle of 20th century) 1. Active immunity In the middle of 19th century R. Koch â€â€-Isolated and cultured bacteria successfully Pasteur â€â€-Infectious diseases were caused by pathogens In 1880, Pasteur â€â€-Anti-cholera live-attenuated vaccine (old culture of Chicken V. cholera) â€â€-Artificial active immunity Robert Koch Active immunity: The form of adaptive immunity that is induced by exposure to a foreign antigen and in which the immunized individual plays an active role in responding to the antigen. Louis Pasteur(1822-1895) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 . Passive immunity In the late eighties of 19th century Roux and Yersin: Diphtheria was caused by exotoxin produced by C. diphtheriae The discovery of diphtheriae antitoxin and bactericindins Antitoxinâ€â€-Antibody (Ab); Exotoxinâ€â€-Antigen (Ag) Study on reaction of Ag and Ab in vitro â€â€-Serology In 1890,Von Behring and Kitasato â€â€-dipht heriae antitoxin was applied in treatment of Diphtheria â€â€- Artificial passive immunity Passive immunity: The form of immunity to an antigen that is established in one individual by transfer of antibody or lymphocytes from another individual who is immune to that antigen. NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 3. Mechanism of protective immunity Cell mediated immunity(CMI) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ1883-1884, Metchnikoff: Microorganisms were engulfed and destroyed by phagocytic cells Humoral immunity(HI) â€â€-1897,Ehrlich: Ab in serum played important roles in protective immunity Both HI and CMI were very important for protective immunity, Ab in serum could promote the phagocytosis of phagocytic cells â€â€- 1903, Wright Douglas 4. Study on immune-pathology immune disease In 1902, Richet and Portierâ€â€-Anaphylaxis Pirquet and Shickâ€â€-Hypersensitivity In 1903, Arthusâ€â€-Arthus phenomenon In 1906, Pirquet â€â€- Allergy In 1907, Donath and Landsteiner â€â€-Autoantibody cause autoimmune disease NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 5. Study on antigen In the early of 20th century, Landsteiner studied on antigenic determinant (epitope) â€â€-ABO blood type 6. Study on immunochemistry In 1938,Tiselius and Kabat â€â€-Ab is ? globulin In the fifties of 20th century, Porter and Edelmen, â€â€-Molecular structure of Ab: 4 peptides 7. Study on immune tolerance: No positive response to specific Ag In 1945, Oven found natural immune tolerance In 1953, Medawar set up animal model of acquired immune tolerance in newborn period. . Hypothesis for Ab formation Templates postulate (1930,Breinl and Haurowitz) Variable folding postulate (1940,Pauling) Natural selection postulate (1955,Jerne) Clonal selection theory (1959, Burnet):- Clone: a group cells that stem from identical cell NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 III. Modern Immunology period (the middle of 20th century-the 21th century) 1. Study on immune system In 1957, Glick Fabricius found out that Chicken without bursa can not produce Ab â€â€-B cell In 1961,Good and Miller â€â€- Cell mediated immune of new born mice whose thymus were taken away are defective â€â€-T cell 2. Study on monoclonal antibody â€â€-In 1975, Kohler and Milstein 3. Study on immune genetics â€â€-In 1978, genetic control of antibody diversity â€â€-Discovery of accurate mechanism of immune response on gene level (MHC, TCR , BCR) 4. Study on molecular mechanism of T/B lymphocyte activation and signal transduction 5. Study on effective mechanism of immune cells NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 6. Study on clinical immunology Organ transplantation; Autoimmune disease; Tumor immunology; Infectious diseases 7. Study on applied immunology Preparation of monoclonal antibody and genetic engineering antibody; Preparation of recombinant cytokines; Study on DNA vaccine; Study on treatment with immune cells 8. New techniques of modern immunology and application Separation of immune cells; Protein analysis technique; Phage display technique; Preparation of new animal model NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 The immune system Immune system Innate (non-specific) immunity Adaptive (specific) immunity Anatomic barriers (Skin,mucous membranes) †¢Physological barriers (temperature, pH) †¢Phagocytic Barriers (cells that eat invaders) †¢Inflammatory barriers (redness, swelling, heat and pain) †¢Antigen specificity †¢Diversity †¢Immunological memory †¢Self/nonself recognition NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Our immune systems generate an almost infinite variety of cells and substances Foreign Recognition Memory Upon 2 ° exposure produces enhanced re sponse Effector Response To eliminate or neutralize particle *In some cases, the IR fails to function; at other times, the IR can turn on its host NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Humoral and cellular immunity (antibody mediated or cellular) NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 B cells Surface bound antibody Antibody secreting B cell Antigen B-cell Soluble antibodies, circculate in the body NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Antibody secreting B cell B-cell Virus killed NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Discussion Topics 1. Why do warm-blooded, long-lived animals require particularly complex immune defense? – p4-DIR 2. Why would removal of Ag lead to the decline in an immune response? – p14-DIR And many more to explore in the DIR textbook Home works P18-DIR NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 The real ones Crawling Macrophage Neutrophil and DCs NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Introduction to IMMUNOLOGY- An X soup †¢ What is Immunology? What is Immune System (IS)? †¢ History of Immunology †¢ Cells and Soluble Mediators of IS= ? †¢ Immune Respone- Pathogens (Ags): Innate and Adaptive Immunity- Collaboration Read DIR-page 1-18 NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 Once upon a time†¦ There was a WARGAMES OF THRONES- MATTER OF â€Å"LIVE OR DIE†HAS IT ALREADY ENDED? NO, IT IS JUST A BEGINNING†¦ NTTH-HCMIU-IMMUN-2013 How to cite Immunology, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Boys And Girls Essay Example For Students
Boys And Girls Essay A Comprehensive Summary ofAlice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†is a story about a girl that struggles against society’s ideas of how a girl should be, only to find her trapped in the ways of the world. The story starts out on a farm in the 1940’s. The narrator is a woman who is telling the first person point of view of when she was a girl. The girl’s father was a fox farmer. He was a hard working, quiet man and the girl really respected him. Every winter the father killed the foxes that he raised and sold their pelts. The girl loved this time and found it seasonal, although her mother despised it. In the beginning the girl is about nine years old. She had a younger brother named Laird with whom she shared a bedroom. At night when they would go to bed they would get scared and try to distract themselves by singing. After Laird would go to sleep the girl stayed up and told herself stories. In these stories she was a great hero. She was courageous and bold and she accomplished great feats to rescue others. Everyone adored her for being heroic. The stories always involved her riding and shooting though she couldn’t ride a horse or shoot a gun. The girl took great pride in the fact that she helped her father with the chores on the farm. Her main chore was to water the foxes. Laird would help with a small watering can though he would usually spill most of his water. The girl would also help her father when he would cut the long grass around the fox pens. He would cut it and she would rake it up. He would then throw the grass on top of the pens to keep the sun off of the foxes . The entire fox pen was well thought out and well made. The foxes were fed horsemeat, which could be bought very cheap. When a farmer had a dying horse her father would pay for the horse and slaughter it. Her father was very ingenious with his fox farm and the girl was obviously impressed. She was proud to work with her father. One time while her father was talking to a salesman he said, â€Å"Like you to meet my new hired man.†That comment made her so happy, only to have the salesman reply that he thought it was only a girl. While the girl loved the work outside she hated to do the ‘woman’s work’ inside. She disliked her mother for making her do it, and believed that her mother only made her do it because she didn’t like it. She didn’t like anything about this work. She hated the hot dark kitchen, and thought that work was endless, depressing and unimportant as compared to the work she did for her father. She would do a chore for her mother and then run off before she could tell her anything else to do. She had a very low opinion about anything to do with mother. The only thing the mother had to talk about were things that were unimportant to the girl, like dresses and old boyfriends. She thought that her mother was undependable, easily fooled, conniving and ignorant about the way things really were. This opinion was very much different than that she had of her father. The girl began feeling like she was being attacked. Like everyone was out to make her a ‘girl’. When her grandmother came to town she was bombarded with comments like, â€Å"Girls don’t slam doors like that.†and â€Å"Girls keep their knees together when they sit down.†The worst was when she would ask a question and the grandmother would reply â€Å"That’s none of a girl’s business.†The girl rebelled against comments like these and continued to slam doors and sit awkwardly. By this time things were changing. Farmers were buying tractors and it became harder to find horses. The family would sometimes get healthy horses that no longer had any use. They would keep these horses all winter long. One winter when she was eleven years old they had two horses, Mack and Flora. Mack was an old workhorse slow and easy to handle. Flora was a sorrel mare who was violent and reckless. The following spring Mack was to be slaughtered. Henry, w ho was a hired man on the farm, led Mack out of the stable. While this was going on the girl took Laird up into the barn so that they could watch them shoot the horse. When the horse was shot it didn’t die instantly but instead he fell over and kicked his legs for a few seconds, which caused Henry to laugh. After he died the men examined the horse in a very practiced and businesslike way. The girl felt very uneasy about the death. She then became scared that she would get into trouble for showing Laird the killing so she took him to a movie to help him forget it. .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .postImageUrl , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:hover , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:visited , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:active { border:0!important; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:active , .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36 .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uafa6b8aa56416a5b5a42fee014307e36:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Bomb That Saved Millions EssayChanges on the farm weren’t the only changes going on. Laird was becoming stronger than she was. She began fixing up her side of the room with lace. She had a dressing table, and she was planning to put a barricade in between her bed and Laird’s. At night she wasn’t scared anymore and she stopped singing. Her stories that she told herself were changing. She was now the one being rescued by boys and men. She began to worry more about what she was wearing and what her hair looked like. Two weeks after Mack was slaughtered it was time for Flora to be killed. This time she didn’t think about watching. She even felt somewhat ashamed, and her attitude to her father and his work began to change. So while the killing was underway her and her brother were picking up sticks to make a teepee out of. Suddenly there was a lot of commotion and Flora was running free. Her father told her to shut the gate. She ran to the gate and just had just enough time to close it. Instead of closing the gate she opened it wide and let the horse run free. Laird got there just in time to see her do it. When her father and Henry showed up they thought that she didn’t get there in time. They simply got the gun and the knives they used and jumped in the truck. On the way out they stopped and picked up Laird who was begging to go. Even though the girl thought that she would be in trouble for letting the horse out she did not regret it, even though she wasn’t sure why she had done it. After everyone arrived back home they had dinner. Laird was excited and showed off the blood that he had on his arm from the horse. During dinner Laird told everyone how she had let the horse out of the gate. She began crying and her father said, â€Å"Never mind, she’s only a girl.†Finally she didn’t protest it and thought that maybe it was true. Book Reports
Monday, March 30, 2020
Legal Environment Torts and Product Liability
Introduction A tort is a civil wrong that is committed as a breach of duty owed to somebody else. The law of torts covers different topics like false imprisonment, auto accidents, product liability and slander and libel. Environmental pollution may also be included in such a case. The person who suffers is supposed to be compensated by the person who is liable or responsible for the injury inflicted.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Environment: Torts and Product Liability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The role of economic torts is to ensure that individuals are protected from a possible interference in their business or trade operations. As a form of a case law, product liability ensures that manufacturers, distributors as well as the retailers of a product bear responsibility in the event that a product that they offer to the market results in any injury to the consumers. This is because they are the on es who make customers access the product and hence should be ready to explain the injury in question. In this case, they should be able to maintain their responsibility for any action. In a legal environment, a specific case can be said to be frivolous if it has little or no chance of being won in the courts (Coase, 1990, p.4). The claim is termed frivolous if it is found to be rather absurd. This might be regardless of the legal standing that the case seems to be portraying at that particular time. In some occasions, the case might be prohibited by the law. On the other hand, a case can only be certified to be frivolous after a proper investigation has been done. The legal environment plays an integral role in business and can either make the environment (business) favorable or unfavorable. Companies continue to face lawsuits as a result of their business activities and this study will look at two cases that have manifested themselves in recent years. Discussion Facts We have two c ases where both complainants sued for what they considered to be damages done on them. In the first case, Stella Liebeck sued McDonalds for damages from the third degree burns she sustained from hot McDonalds coffee that she spilled on her lap while seated in her car (Ted, 2005, p. 16). The key fact about this case is that Stella was not driving when she pulled the lid off but rather she was on the passenger’s seat. She had ordered for coffee from the drive-through window of the company’s franchised restaurant. At that particular time, it was her grandson who was driving the car. The incident took place as the grandson attempted to pull over the car so that she could have time to add cream and sugar to her coffee. By the time this occurred, the hot cup of coffee was between her knees.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After the coffee spilled, she had to sit in the puddle of hot liquid for over 90 seconds. In addition, she was seriously burned and needed treatment and rehabilitation for almost two years. This was after she sustained 6-16% burns on her skin thereby undergoing skin grafting. In the second case, Roy L. Pearson sued Custom Cleaners for several million dollars for damages resulting from a lost pair of trousers (Fisher, 2007, p. 8). The company in question was a dry cleaning establishment owned by the Chungs. The allegations were that the son took the pants to be dry cleaned but the dry cleaner delayed in delivering them back to the client because he had sent these to a different dry cleaner by mistake. When the pants were returned to Pearson after the expiry of his pick up date, he declined to have them, claiming that these were not his pants. This made him to launch a lawsuit against the dry cleaners. Issues In the case of Liebeck, she had sought to settle the issue with the company. She only wanted $ 20,000 to settle her medical costs which were in real essence $ 11,000. The company did not see it realistic to pay her this amount and offered $800 (Gerlin, 1994, p. 9). After the company refused to increase this amount, she sought the services of a Texas attorney (Reed Morgan) to file a suit in a New Mexico district court. In the suit, they accused McDonalds of gross negligence. They said that the company was selling defectively manufactured and unreasonably dangerous coffee. McDonalds refused to agree to any settlements outside the court as they could not come to terms with any of Morgan’s offers. In forwarding and arguing their case they said that the company served extremely hot coffee that did not conform to the industry recommended temperatures. The company’s franchises served coffee at 180 -190F. Given the high temperature level, it was established that the coffee could have inflicted burns on the victims in a very short time, between two and seven seconds. From Pearson’s case, he demanded the price of the pants as his compensation (Steiner, 2007, p. 12). The amount in question here was $1000 which was turned down by the owners of the company (Chungs). After failing to agree, he filed the case in the District of Columbia superior court. In advancing his case, Pearson had two points of argument.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Environment: Torts and Product Liability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first claim said that the pair of pants in question was not the original one he had given the drycleaners to clean. In the second claim he had an issue with the signs posted outside the business. According to Pearson, the signs at the business premises were a real distraction because of the guarantee by the business premises to offer same day delivery service. In this case, the dry cleaner did not fulfill this promise. What law applies? The law has clear guidelines on what should be d one in cases of product negligence and liability. In such cases, the injured has to show that the defendant did not use reasonable care in manufacturing and designing the product. The manufacturer is also supposed to give adequate warnings in advance so that customers are made aware (Koppel, 2010, p. 14). In cases of strict liability of tort, the plaintiff has to prove that he was injured by the product. It must also be proved beyond reasonable doubt that the injury came about as a result of a defect in the product. The defect should have existed from the time the product left the manufacturer and continued being there. The law is clear that customers should be protected from unsafe products. Because the products end up causing injury to their consumers, manufacturers are supposed to bear the costs of the injuries. When a product lacks adequate warnings, instructions or even labels, then it is deemed defective. In filing cases, the injured must prove that the manufacturers did not g ive adequate instructions on the products. When a consumer is aware of a potential risk and assumes it, the manufacturer can not be held liable for any injury caused (Steiner, 2007, p. 9). In cases of intentional tort, the complainant is supposed to prove that there was a voluntary act or intent. There must be a tangible prove that there was causation of the problem in question. If the plaintiff agreed to the act there might be no case to be argued in this scenario. Intentional torts are supposed to protect individuals from any kind of injury and ensure that their properties are safe. In the long run, they are supposed to take care of business relationships and economic interests of all the parties involved. This could also result in emotional distress on a victim as a result of the defendant’s outrageous conduct. Whenever a person is subjected to severe emotional suffering, there is a case to be answered by the accused (Gerlin, 1994, p. 6). In extreme cases, there should be no proximate or actual causation of any emotional distress to a given individual. The law does not allow any trespass to personal property. In a broad sense, it does not have any provision for altering personal property. An individual does not have any moral authority to control the property of another person in any given case.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More What did the judge and/or jury decide? In Liebeck’s case the verdict was reached by a twelve person jury. Using the comparative negligence principle, the jury reached a conclusion that McDonald’s was to blame for the incident in question. In addition, Liebeck was found to be 20% responsible as a result of her fault. It is quite clear that the coffee had a warning on it but the jury was of the opinion that it was not large enough to be noticed by the complainant. As a result they were able to award her compensatory damages worth $ 200, 000 which was later reduced by 20% to $160, 000.Liebeck was also awarded punitive damages worth $2.7 million (Gerlin, 1994, 3). This was settled at because the company was estimated to collect $1.35 million per day. The punitive damages were reduced to $ 480,000. These figures were disputed by both McDonalds and Liebeck. Later on they decided for an out of court settlement of not more than $ 600,000.After the Chungs presenting three conse cutive offers which were rejected by Pearson the court made a concern that the plaintiff was acting in bad faith. Some issues were ruled in their favor of the Chungs but the judges were convinced that they had a case to answer. The trial to this case came to a close in 2007. In this case, the judge handed victory to the dry cleaners. She also awarded them court costs which were pursuant to a motion (Koppel, 2010, p. 23). The Chungs later on withdrew this motion to shy away from being given the court costs. In addition, the court had taken a judicial notice of Pearson’s divorce proceedings. This decision was not received well by Pearson who had an issue with the ruling where he said that the court had made numerous errors that needed to be looked into again (Koppel, 2010, p. 17). On the other hand, the Chungs moved to recover $83,000 in attorney’s fees (Koppel, 2010, p. 13). Appropriate decision based on the applicable law In both cases, the judges made the best and app ropriate decisions in relation to the law. Starting from Liebecks case the company had a case to answer. It is evident that there were numerous cases that had been filed in relation to McDonalds products. The cases are estimated to be 700. This therefore raises a question about the company’s commitment to resolve this issue even when it had foreseen it coming (through the cases filled). Although the coffee cup had a warning, it was not satisfactory enough to be able to capture the attention of the customer and this can be said to be negligence (Bainbridge, 2004, p. 11). Under normal circumstances, the law is clear that manufactures are supposed to put on their products warnings, guidelines and instructions. This is supposed to help customers in using the product thereby avoiding any accidents that can lead to injury. The complainant was able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that indeed he had been injured while using the product. Because the product ended up causing injury to the consumer, McDonald is supposed to bear the costs of the injuries (Gerlin, 1994, p. 5). As a matter of fact the judges were fair in awarding Stella the money she got. In the second case of Pearson the ruling was fair as the dry cleaners had not contravened any law. There was no evidence that they had breached any law in handling his pants. In fact the pants were ready for collection at the agreed date. The judge did not see any case that the dry cleaners were supposed to answer. When a person is subjected to a severe emotional suffering; there is a case to be answered by the accused. In extreme cases there should be no proximate or actual causation of any emotional distress to a given individual. This is not seen in this case as Pearson has no strong basis of argument. As a matter of fact, the dry cleaners had proved that the pants belonged to Pearson as their records and receipts (in his possession) proved them right. Ethical issues There are notable ethical issues in the cases . The judges had professional ethical issues to look at. Professional ethical issues do not differ from the legal issues. Judges were supposed to ensure that they give the cases the necessary professional approach at their disposal (Bainbridge, 2004, p. 21). This was to be done in relation to the law. Since these were distinct cases they needed to be guided by what the law says about a certain issue. Professionalism is an ethical issue that goes well with the legal issues. In giving sound rulings, the judges ensured that they have adhered to the legal issues as far as their profession dictates. Therefore, it can be said that this ethical issue did not differ with the legal issues put in place. Another ethical issue was from the way the suits were filed. They were supposed to be filed on the existing legal framework. Liebeck can be said to have followed the right ethical issue by presenting a genuine case. It is ethical to be genuine with the complaints we put forward and they should not contravene the legal issues (we have to in cooperate). Hence, in this case it can be said that the ethical issues did not differ with the legal issues. There is an extreme case where the ethical issue does differ with the legal issue. Ethically Pearson’s case does not have any legal basis that can support it (Koppel, 2010, p. 20). In filing the case, it would have been wise for him to know if it is worth what it takes instead of him going ahead yet he had no prove that the dry cleaners had lost his pants. In a legal environment, ethical issues can help to reinforce and enhance legal issues that will promote professionalism. Through this, there is bound to be sincere and genuine frameworks of solving legal related issues. Is either one or both of these cases frivolous? In a legal environment, a case can be said to be frivolous if it has little or no chance of winning in the courts. The claim is termed frivolous if it is found to be rather absurd. This might be regardless of the legal standing that the case seems to be portraying at a particular time. In some occasions the cases might be prohibited by law. On the other hand, a case can only be certified to be frivolous after proper investigation has been done. The first case of Liebeck does not have any signs of being frivolous based on the way it was approached. She was right to file a suit against the company after looking at it from a winning point of view, this was guided by the fact that 700 cases had been advanced about the company before. One can not term this case absurd because there was concrete evidence that she had been burnt by the company’s product and hence the need to file it. The coffee that burnt her was produced at high temperatures (that were much higher) than what other competitors were offering in the market (Ted, 2005, p. 13). In making the ruling, the Judge acknowledged that coffee (from McDonalds) had instructions. In addition these instructions were not comprehensive enough. If the instructions would have been clearer and understandable enough she could not have burnt herself. This case can not be termed frivolous because it had not been presumed so by law. The law is able to identify such cases and know how to deal with them. Such cases are normally considered to be baseless. The second case of Pearson was frivolous because the law prohibits such a case. An example is from the way the magistrate threw it away without seeing any basis of argument. This case does not any basis of argument as it looks too absurd that he is suing the dry cleaners yet they gave him his pants (Koppel, 2010, p. 12). The dry cleaners have proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are genuine. To prove that they had the original pants they gave out the records and receipts of sales. Cases need to be well evaluated before they are filed to ensure that they are not frivolous at all. This is necessary to ensure that the legal frameworks are efficient in solving any business problem that arises. Business owners Business owners have faced various problems in relation to their products. Their products have either been defective or they have ended up injuring those using them. These kinds of problems are expected but caution has to be taken as they have adverse effects if they turn out to be true. This is because the company might end up paying a lot of money in damages or compensation. As a matter of fact, this eats into their profits. Although the two cases are distinct, there is a way that the owners could have prevented them from occurring. The owners or management of McDonalds had done everything possible to ensure that customers read instructions on the use of their coffee (Coase, 1990, p.14). This is laudable as customers need such directions and guidelines to be able to use the products effectively. The only loophole they have not sealed is their inability to ensure that the instructions are well laid out and clearly visible to their consumers (Te d, 2005, p. 26). Through this, they could have avoided this problem. They need to ensure that this is done so that any other future lawsuits on this basis end up being baseless. McDonalds have served their coffee in high temperatures to ensure that they stay hot for a long time. There have been complaints that their coffee is too hot compared to what other competitors are offering in the market. Because of this, they could have reduced the temperatures (that their coffee should have) as it could not have resulted into serious burns. The problem was made worse by the high percentage of burns that Liebeck sustained and this could be avoided. McDonalds needs to ensure that there is a lot of consumer awareness on the use of their products in future. This can be explained from the fact that the complainant also made a mistake by putting the hot cup of coffee between her knees. In normal circumstances an enlightened consumer can not do such a mistake. The owners of custom cleaners could a lso have avoided this problem. They could have labeled the pants and other clothes well so that they don’t go to other dry cleaners as this seemed to be the basis of Pearson’s lawsuit. In future, they need to ensure that they avoid such petty mistakes that can end up being costly. On the other hand, they should ensure that they deliver on time as expected by customers to avoid any inconveniences. This is necessary as the customer can sue them for subjecting him/her to emotional suffering. In addition, they need to enhance their record keeping as the problem seems to have emanated from there. Conclusion The key fact about the first case is that Stella was not driving when she pulled the lid off but rather she was on the passenger’s seat. She had ordered for coffee from the drive-through window of the company’s franchised restaurant. In the second case, Roy L. Pearson sued Custom Cleaners for several million dollars for damages resulting from a lost pair of trousers. The company in question was a dry cleaning establishment owned by the Chungs. In both cases, the judges made the best and appropriate decisions in relation to the law. Starting from Liebecks case the company had a case to answer. It is evident that there were numerous cases that had been filed in relation to McDonalds products. The cases are estimated to be 700. This therefore raises a question about the company’s commitment in resolving this issue even when it had foreseen it coming (through the cases filled). In the second case of Pearson, the ruling was fair as the dry cleaners had not contravened any law. There was no evidence that they had breached any law in handling his pants. In fact, the pants were ready for collection at the agreed date. The judge did not see any case that the dry cleaners were supposed to answer. Reference List Bainbridge, S. 2004. Trial lawyer propaganda at KOS. Retrieved from 004/08/trial-lawyerjohn-edwards-propaganda-at-kos.html Coase, H. 1990. The Firm, the Market and the Law. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Fisher, M. 2007. Wearing Down the Judicial System with a Pair of Pants. Washington D.C: The Washington Post. Gerlin, A. 1994. A Matter of Degree: How a Jury decided that a Coffee Spill is worth $2.9 Million. USA: Washington DC. Koppel, N. 2010. Pants judge: Roy Pearson strikes out in court. Washington D.C: The Washington Post. Steiner, E. 2007. More on the Verdict in Pearson v. Custom Cleaners. Washington D.C: The Washington Post. Ted, F. 2005. Urban legends and Stella Liebeck and the McDonald’s coffee case. Retrieved from This essay on Legal Environment: Torts and Product Liability was written and submitted by user Ronald Nunez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Rubric Template Sample for Teachers
Rubric Template Sample for Teachers Rubrics are a fast and easy way to assess students work. They can make an educators life so much easier because they are able to quickly determine exactly where a students work excelled, and where it lacked. While they are a great tool to have, creating them can be quite time-consuming. To make it a little bit easier for you, all you have to do is use the samples below. Here you will learn what a basic rubric template should have, example qualifiers to add to your rubric, sample verbs, and verb phrases to help you write your descriptions and three sample rubric templates. Basic Rubric A basic rubric template should have the following features: Description of task or performance that the rubric is designed to evaluate.A scale or rating with three or more qualifiers.An objective of the task or performance (criteria).Descriptors, or sample words that identify the effectiveness of the expectations. Example Qualifiers Level 1 or 1 point limited, lowest quality, poor, beginning, unsatisfactory, not there yet, little evidence, needs improvement.Level 2 or 2 points some, basic, emerging, some evidence, fair, capable, satisfactory.Level 3 or 3 points accomplished, developing, proficient, constant evidence, very good, considerable.Level 4 or 4 points Exemplary, high degree, strong, advanced, displays evidence beyond, best quality, excellent, exceeds. Sample Verbs and Phrases Here are a few sample verbs and phrases to use when writing the description of the performance characteristics. DemonstratesIdentifiesMakes connectionsInterpretsExpressesAppliesPredictsBegins toCommunicates Learn how to score a rubric and view samples of expository and narrative writing rubrics. Plus: learn how to create a rubric from scratch by using this step-by-step guide, as well as view samples of informal and formal essay rubrics. Rubric Template 1 Levels of Performance (Scale) (Describe here the task the rubric is designed to evaluate) Features 4 Exceptional Quality 3 Best Quality 2 Average Quality 1 Lowest Quality Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4 Rubric Template 2 Levels of Performance (Scale) (Here you will describe the task or performance that the rubric is designed to evaluate) Features Beginning1 Developed2 Accomplished3 Exemplary4 (State objective here)1 Description of the performance and characteristics that reflect a beginning level of performance Description of the performance and characteristics that reflect a development toward performance Description of the performance and characteristics that reflect an accomplished level of performance Description of the performance and characteristics that reflect the highest level performance (State objective here)2 State Performance Descriptors Here (State objective here)3 (State objective here)4 Rubric Template 3 Levels of Performance (Scale) Â (Describe here the task the rubric is designed to evaluate) Criteria Achievement Level 1 Achievement Level 2 Achievement Level 3 Achievement Level 4 Criteria 1 Characteristics of performance indicators goes here. Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Myth of Secure Computing by Austin and Christopher Article
The Myth of Secure Computing by Austin and Christopher - Article Example The amount of money spent on digital security is only 5 to 10 percent of a company’s total expenditure due to which, there are risky security concerns. Network Attacks, which are responsible for slowing network functions and disrupting online performance, are common threats to digital security that can result in big financial losses for the company. Network attacks are external. Intrusions are internal attacks and are more dangerous than network attacks as the intruders can use the same rights to alter or damage data as authorized users. Intrusions can cause not only monetary but also data leakage loss. All kinds of threats are highly dangerous and need to be analyzed in advance. The IT department of a company needs to be highly effective in identifying all kinds of threats and the level of security that should be provided to each and every asset. An operational approach needs to be followed in order to secure the company, its assets and its reputation from any digital security breach. Risk management should be there in order to check the possible risks to a company’s digital security and to control them in time. The IT department is required to keep continuous check to day-to-day processing. If software programs are used in a company, they must be tested regularly. The coding, testing and implementation process should not be conducted with proper care and efficiency. The IT staff should be well equipped with all concerned knowledge about IT state of the company and required security measures. The writers of the article have pointed towards a crucial issue that needs attention to detail. The companies working today are computerized mostly and have their own networks due to which, they are in need of digital security measures so that they face minimum security breaches and can control any intrusion in order to save them from big losses.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Apple China Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Apple China Business - Essay Example This is evident by studies that have been carried out by the department of labor, among other associations such as the Fair Labor Associations. Labor Issues Allegations of sweatshop conditions among Apple Inc.’s contract manufacturers in China have been proved beyond doubt to exist in their business operations, considering its aim of using cheap labor to maximize profitability. Although many companies all over the world seek to access cheap labor to enhance profitability, there are limits to such measures, particularly to international organizations. International companies such as Apple Inc. ought to standardize rewards to labor such that no huge disparities exist from one country to another. According to â€Å"Cheap Robots vs. Cheap Labor†(Para 6), Chinas manufacturing industry workers are paid an average of 1.36 dollars per hour, which almost four percent of what is being paid in the United States. This is a clear indication of huge disparities in the international scene against human rights in labor. Inventec and Foxconn contract manufacturers of Apple Inc., which operate the Chinese factories that manufacture iPod to products, have been evidently found to use cheap labor against human rights provisions. ... Irrespective of limited opportunities of employment and the massively huge population in China, such working conditions as depicted by reports on Apple Inc. sub contractors shows the less concern such organizations have for human rights. However, Apple Inc. launched an audit on the matter after the allegations were bought forward by media houses, labor Associations, and the department of Labor in China. The yearly audits were enhanced to ensure all Apple Inc. manufacturing contractors adhered to workers rights issues, and did away with those were unable to comply with acceptable labor force rights. These strategies undertaken by Apple Inc. went a long way in reversing the impact that human rights violation against the labor force had caused on the Chinese labor market. According to Lamar (Para 9), Foxconn manufacturing factories experienced a series of suicides among their employees, which were reasonably linked to the frustrations and depression in the work environment. Suicide amon g many employees of a single organization precludes serious issues that are dehumanizing such as gross violation of human rights by the employer. Foxconn, as an employer, has received human rights violations allegations that it has propagated against its employees. The company has not only violated human rights of their employees through low pay and long working hours, but also white-collar prison. The working environment at Foxconn is rather described as a white-collar prison, where guards are reported to be beating employees due to theft claims. Indeed, an employee who was mistreated and beaten up after theft claims hade been made was later reported to have committed suicide. More so, four workers at Foxconn
Monday, January 27, 2020
Low Birth Rate in Hong Kong
Low Birth Rate in Hong Kong Nowadays, the world population just over 6 billion and consistently estimate to increase to 9 billion in the next 50 years. The growth rate is mostly come from those developing countries, especially from Africa. Nevertheless, the birth rate which we would call it as population growth rate is decreasing in Hong Kong. The local birth rate reached the lowest level in the world. According to the report from the Census and Statistics Department, around 30,000 babies will be generated by mainland couples while 69,000 will be born in Hong Kong each year. In 2006, 984 babies were produced each 1000 expectant mothers. The estimation of the following 30 years, the birth rate will be lower than 900 babies would be born with each 1000 expectant mothers. We can use the graph from Census and Statistics Department to indicate the change by birth rate. In the fig. 1.1, the lines are representing the population in 1996 while bars are representing the 2006s. We would see that the population in Hong Kong is going to form a reverse triangle as fewer are born in the base. Moreover, we would see that the birth rate was continuing decrease from 1981 to 2006. Basically, the government has been put aware on the issue. In one of a meeting of legislative council, the councilors have put out this as one the items of agenda. The decrease in birth rate may help to save the sustainable resources in the world, but it would cause out many society problems as well. Actually, aging problem is a serious issue happening in the society. And, this would cause out many consequences to make the society become poor. Aging problem will lead the tax payer having a heavy tax. As the decreasing birth rate cause out, fewer tax payers will need to fall into the tax system. While the number of elderly would increase to form an unhealthy population, the Government would have a financial problem on subsiding them. The government need to bear heavy costs on medical services, elderly health care and retirement such as social security allowance. On the other hand, the education system may need a reform. The demand would decrease as fewer children entering the education system. Those schools will be terminated by a low birth rate, and employers like teachers will be being unemployed. This is already happened in the society in 2006. Many schools are warned to shut down by insufficient students. As a result, encouraging the birth rate is a must. Recently, the government noticed that the importance of having a good birth rate and formed a committee to put concern and finding out solutions in low birth rate issue. The effective way is the government encourage the citizens to improve the birth rate. 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE In this study, we would like to help to find out the reason of causing low birth rate. Besides, we would not only want to know the causes but also want to find out solutions and the ways of government would able to give a hand. Therefore, our research objectives will be set as the followings: Understand the reason of low birth rate occur Evaluate the effectiveness of various methods to increase birth rate Understand the value of having baby (promotion purpose) Evaluate the impact of various media on the decision to have a child Obtain the demographic of response 1.3 CONTRIBUTION Through this marketing research, we would define clear why the low birth rate was caused out. Afterwards, we can find out the most effective solution to improve the birth rate, in order to prevent the next generation to pay the heavy tax to the government which is our generation and beyond. On the other hand, we would the report will be indicated out that the effective way of promotion by the government which he citizens would thinks it does work. It is beneficial to the government whether the aging problem is solved, the financial burden will reform. The government is able to put the subsidies on the other ways that make Hong Kong becoming a most successful city that people would like to live. 2.1 EXPLORARATY RESEARCH To begin our research, we may need to use exploratory research to provide the insights of the low birth rate problems. From the various types of exploratory research technique, we have used secondary data analysis and focus group when doing this project. Secondary data Low birth rate which is a big issue for the Hong Kong government, so there are plenty of data about this issue on the website of the Census and Statistics Department and also the newspaper. The reasons why we are using the secondary data are because they are low cost and useful as background information. Also, some of the data are realistic as those data are collected from the official department of Hong Kong Government. As the government highly concern about the low birth rate, there are policies and promotions about how to improve low birth rate, which helps us on creating the questions for our questionnaire. Focus Group Focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their attitude towards a product, service, concept, advertisement or idea. And there will be a moderator to introduce the topic of discussion and to encourage the group to discuss. Using focus group can allow the participants to discuss their true feeling and convictions, fast to collect data, easy to execute and flexible with low cost. Forming this focus group, our purpose is to understand the reason of low birth rate, evaluate the effectiveness of various methods to increase the birth rate, understand more the value of having a baby, evaluate the impact of various media on the decision to have a child, obtaining the demographic of response. After doing the focus group, we can combine the observations to understand the culture, the social group, sampling the sites to study, and creating news issues or topics we didnt think of. We would form 2 focus groups which consist of 6 respondents each. Besides, we need to hire a professional analyst to lead the focus group on the discussing track. Then, we need to book a one-way mirror room to observe the progress of the focus group. The most important is we should jot down the discussion by notes as an alternative way if the video recording devices does not work. The topic of discussion was focus on five main issues we focused on reasons affecting the birth rate, methods to improve birth rate, value on birth rate, ways to promote generation, demographic. To acquire the information we need, an analyst is needed to lead the focus group to discuss on the aspects. We did set the suggest questions: How do you think to generate a child? What are the costs to generate a child? What do you think the consequence to generate a child? Which ways do you suggest to encourage generation? How do you think the policies of government promotion? Summary of Findings Section We have been held focus groups in the March. After the focus group, we were given out some ideas of the low birth rate issue. In the focus groups people are all agree the late marriage is the trend in Hong Kong, many ladies are become focusing on their work. But they conclude that the cost of having a baby is the main cause of low birth rate. They need to quit their job, after the baby growth, their job opportunities will be probably lower as they disconnected with the society. They discussed that the birth rate from the middle class is important to improved. Later, they discuss that the method to improve the birth rate. Most of them thought that the government subsidies are the ways to help. Education allowance is the most effective as most of them agreed. It is because they think it is a long-term subsidy that their children need to study nearly 10 years. It is benefit if it would save their cost. However, no one concern on public housing because they thought that it is relate to the marry cost, not related to having a baby. They would think that the value of having a baby is to generate their breed. Most of them think that the TV commercial is the effective way to encouraged by government. It is because animation and sound would give them memorized. 2.2 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH To choose a suitable method to fit with our case, we would like to use the mall intercept personal interviews for collecting primary data. The process involves stopping the targets, screening them for appropriateness, and either administering the survey on the spot or inviting them to a research facility located in the mall to complete the interview. And, we decided to set up in Women Health Centre and the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong etc, therefore we are able to get the result that related to our expectation and purpose. The characteristic of the method is confined place to conduct the survey but speed of data collecting is fast, and conductors are easier to reach the assigned quantity with a specific time. It will have the highest degree of interviewer influence of answers. Although geographical flexibility is confined in a selection place, we can poll a large number of target respondents with a successful planning. There will have low anonymity of respondents however, the respondents may not actively to cooperate. It is difficult to follow up or call back but it is not an actual problem. Essentially, interviewers can provide clear explanations for the questions asked, respondents will be clearer to answer the questions through face-to-face interview. So, the possibility of respondent misunderstanding will be the lowest. On the other hand, if the respondent cooperation is not enough to meet the planned quantity, we may also use phone survey to back up mall intercept personal interview. The advantages of using phone survey is competitive reduce cost and the respondent cooperation are good. So, it is a good back-up proposal for anything goes wrong in the mall intercept personal interview. There are some measurements guiding us in design our questionnaire. We should concern that each questions should have a reason behind asking and the type of answers you would like to receive y open-ended or close-ended. Later, we should concern on the questionnaire wording. In designing our questionnaire, we have avoided long questions that will give people confusing by using short and clear wording. Secondly, we avoid emotional and socially desirability response by loaded and assumption questions. So, the validity will be increased. Be sure all answer choices are mutually exclusive, check for ambiguity in wording the question, and ensure if the respondents can interpret the meaning of words differently. We also put aware on the personal pronouns (gender references) never use only him (his) or her (her) unless you are referring to a specific gender. Be specific, rather than general questions and word them so that they communicate uniform meaning. Avoid using double negatives, especi ally possible when using Agree/Disagree. 2.3 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Scale There are several scale in setting questionnaire, interval scale, nominal scale, ordinal scale and ratio scale. We used Interval Scale in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in our questionnaire. An interval scale is a measurement scale in which a certain distance along the scale means the same thing no matter where on the scale you are, but where 0 on the scale does not represent the absence of the thing being measured. The Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales are examples. It is uniquely classifies, in preserves order and equal intervals. We used Nominal Scale in Q.5B, Q.5C, Q.5D, Q.5E in our questionnaire. A nominal scale is really a list of categories to which objects can be classified. For example, asking the gender and give Male and Female, for asking status, given Single Married and Divorce. The data so classified are termed categorical data, which are reflecting the classification of objects into different categories. We used Ordinal Scale in Q.5A, Q.5F and Q.5G in our questionnaire. An ordinal scale is a measurement scale that assigns values to objects based on their ranking with respect to one another. For example, Q.5G, we are asking about the monthly income of each target ordinance, from [1] Less than $5000 to [5] above $30,000. While you know that [5] is having more income than [1], but there is no implication that [5] is twice times more than [1]. All we know is that there are 5 categories, with obviously that [2] are having more income than [1], [3] are having more income than [2], etc. The higher the value assigned, the higher the category. 2.3.2 Pretest Procedure It is very important for us to do the pretest before the questionnaire being publicized; the aim of pretesting questionnaire is to ensure that it can be clearly understood. Since the questionnaire may have a lot of mistakes, therefore, we need to conduct and find out the information on that issue. Correct all the mistakes in the questionnaire are necessary, if the survey did not properly set, the purpose will not be achieved to conduct the accurate information what we looking for. For our questionnaire, in order to achieve the effectiveness of pretest, we are going to read the questionnaire for at least 15 times after setting. Besides, we are also going to ask for 15 respondents to test our questionnaire. Finding correct and relevant respondents can help to increase the efficacy of pretest. The varieties respondents would be desire for our Low Birth Rate questionnaires are the professionals, such as English teachers; lecturers, schoolmates from universities, and also our parents. We chose them for the questionnaire pretest procedure, since some of them have sufficient knowledge to state out our problems, for example, English teachers can correct our grammar and spelling mistakes, rectify the question wording into more format type. Lecturers can check the flow of questions and give suggestions on the question, ensure that we are using the multiple-grid format and have been separated them into variety of groups before conducting. And, some of them are easy to re ach, like our schoolmates, their feedbacks help us to predict our target ordinance reaction to the questionnaire, they also may help to estimate the time-taking. After all, we can rearrange the follow up and one by one. Use our questionnaire as an example, after the pretest procedure; we rectify the question wording to make the questionnaire become more clarify. Such as, using Very Unimportant and Very Important to replace Most Important and Least Important. Use full sentence, Are you working now? (If yes, please continue to answer the following questions. Otherwise, jump to à ¯Ã‚ ¹Ã‚ Hà ¯Ã‚ ¹Ã… ¾) instead of a single word Occupation etc. (Appendix fig. 2.2, fig. 2.3) 2.4 SAMPLING Sampling is the simple way to reach out targets with a subset of the population instead of reaching the entire population. Compare with reaching the entire population, sampling will help to save time, cutting cost for budgeting and manpower. Firstly, we should figure the target group out. Our target group is men and women who have visited Women Health Centre and the Family Planning Association. It is because they will have a brief concern and knowledge on the birth rate issue. To reach our target group, we would use the convenience sampling indeed. There is no sampling frame while it is actually a non-probability sampling method. Those respondents are unknown member form our target group because of using the non-probability sampling. Our interviews will select the most available targets arbitrary. However, we would set the 200 respondents as our sample size. As the mall intercept personal interview is suitable to associate with our research, it has many advantages indeed. First, the mall intercept personal interview can be conducted faster and inexpensive. Also, the mall intercept can poll a large number of respondents and control the speed of the survey. As we want to poll a large number of respondents in target group, we decided to interview in Women Health Centre and the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong within 3 days. As the mall intercept is a face-to-face contact with the interviewees, it will lead us easier follow-up and make corrections of the unclear or misunderstanding answers. These advantages will encourage us to conduct a better survey. Unfortunately, there is no perfect method existing in the world. We would just choose the method which consist the least disadvantages. In the mall intercept, we would require a lot of labour force to conduct. This will lead the research cost climb higher by hiring cost for interviewers. Furthermore, low accuracy of the survey is also a disadvantage of this method. It is difficult to follow up if we find out any problem while analyzing the answers. Further, the result sampling may not represent the entire population in a place. Therefore, we would find out some solutions to fix them. We would not employ volunteers as our group members can be the volunteers in the research. Perhaps, cost of the employment will be relatively lower. In order to improve the accuracy, setting up more intercept places for interview can enhance the representative level of the results. Also, after conducting the survey, interviewees would politely to ask the respondents to leave their contact information if they are willing to do that. Hopefully, it may improve the disadvantages of the survey method. We would do the survey over 3 selected places within 3 day. On 28th April, we would conduct in the Family Planning Association at Wan Chai while conducting in the Women Association in Tuen Mun in the following day (29th April). Finally, we would reach the Family Planning Association at Wong Tai Sin in 30th April. These 3 locations will be assigned a team to play the role as interviewers. Each team will consist of 3 member do stay within the place in the operation hours. The selection of those 3 places is due to improving the accuracy of the sampling over territories. In addition, easy to reach who concern birth rate, prepare to have a child or even avoid having child as well.
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